The Major Defeat

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"Rogers, the troops are returning."

"Thank you, Private," I nodded to the girl and left the map room.

I was joined by Corporal Carter and Trina as we headed to the gate. In the distance, the outlines of the first few men became distinguishable. A frown appeared on my face as I watched them approach.

"They don't look too good," Trina observed a worried frown forming on her face.

I nodded in agreement as worry started to take hold. They trudged by us silently. There were no howls, laughter, whistles, not even the usual catcalls. Nothing. They looked beyond battered and the medics were rushing around everywhere picking up at least a hundred wounded. The line stopped a lot faster than it should've.

"Where are the rest?" Peggy questioned the nearest soldier.

"Dead or captured," he sighed, "It was a total loss ma'am. We lost almost two-thirds."

My eyes flickered across the crowd as fear gripped me. Each time they found nothing. I pushed through the crowd ignoring Peggy and Trina's calls behind me as I searched for James.

"Where is he?" I mumbled under my breath starting to panic, "Where is Sergeant Barnes?!"

A few men backed up around me. Even fewer would look me in the eye. Their eyes were cast towards the ground. Those who did gave me pity-filled looks. As the realization settled in, I felt my chest tightened. My eyes began to burn but I blinked away the tears. I was not going to cry in front of these men. No, they suffered enough today. They don't need some crying girl on their hands.

"Angelina," one of the young captains softly said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Battle report?" I asked changing the subject and pulling my arm away from him.

They all exchanged a look. No one stepped forward to speak.

"I will ask but one more time, gentlemen," I growled through gritted teeth, "Battle report?"

"An ambush from the north side," someone finally spoke up.

"They had new weapons, stronger ones," another added, "The weapons even glowed blue."

"It was insane. I've never seen anything like them."

A few of the other guys nodded in agreement. I took a deep breath nodding.

"Get some rest, all of you," I instructed putting on a small smile, "And wash up. You smell like dog shit."

They chuckled trudging towards the tents. I made my way to the war room. As soon as I entered, several of the young corporals surrounded me.

"Ladies we have work to do," I snapped not taking any of their concern.

"But-" Trina started reaching out.

"We do not have time for this. I need our last plans and the most recent diagrams of Hydra movement. There was an ambush, and it seems that they have created a new line of weapons," I cut her off brushing past all of them and heading to my private study.

A few whispers followed me as I entered it and grabbed a few of my usual tools. When I came back out, they were still standing around.

"Well? Get a move on!" I snapped glaring at them, "We have a war to win."

They all jumped into action scurrying this way and that to carry out their orders. I set my stuff down taking the first map and examining.

"There had to have been a flaw in my strategy. I must've missed something. And these new weapons," I muttered to myself before looking to two girls nearby, "I need more information about the weapons. Talk to the men and get back to me with full detail."

They both nodded and hurried off. I looked up suddenly when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Peggy stood beside me with a soft look on her face.

"This is what I feared would happen," she said softly, "I'm sorry Angelina."

"There is nothing to apologize for," I denied shaking my head, "We need to find out more about these weapons before we send our men out again."

She sighed but nodded and joined me at the table.

~~~~~~~Hours later~~~~~~~

I sat on my bunk looking down at my locket. James' stern expression stared back at me. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks. A lump grew in the back of my throat but I pushed it down.

"Goodnight Angelina."

I wiped my eyes quickly before turning to look at who'd spoken. Jane stood by her bunk.

"Night Jane," I called back, "Sweet dreams."

She flashed a small smile before getting into her bunk and going to sleep. I leaned against the wall of the tent taking deep breaths to push down the tears. It didn't work, I knew it wouldn't. My hand flew to cover my mouth stifling the choked sob that left my lips. Burning tears ran down my face as I tried to muffle the sound.


Trina sat at the end of my bed.

"I'm fine," I hiccuped shaking my head, "Really, go to bed."

She shook her head and came closer. Her arms wrapped around me. I pulled away pushing her back.

"I am fine, Trina," I huffed ignoring my wet cheeks that were a dead give away, "You need to rest."

"So do you," she sighed.

I nodded.

"We can get him back you know. Then men said most were not killed. Hydra's aim clearly wasn't to kill but to capture," she continued wiping my face with her hand, "Don't give up hope. Bucky can take care of himself. It's those other boys you gotta worry about."

We both chuckled lightening the mode a little. She was right. James would be okay. After saying goodnight, she went to bed. I waited to make sure everyone was really asleep. I grabbed the small journal I had tucked under my pillow. They may not know it yet but I'd studied this Hydra base for some time now using aerial shots provided by Howard Stark. Now all I needed was a plan. You didn't really think that I was letting my Bucky go that easily.

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