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I looked over my plans one last time as we flew. Worst and best case scenarios played in my head as I played it over and over again in my head. This would work, it had to. Near the front of the plane, the other three chatted but I didn't care to join in since it sounded mostly like flirting. Or at least attempted flirting. Suddenly the whole plane lurched as bullets began striking on all sides.

"We'll have to jump here," Steve pointed out as Stark tried to avoid being shot down.

"No," Peggy snapped, "We're taking you to the front door."

Steve ignored her though as did I. We began strapping on our parachutes.

"As soon as we clear, turn back," Steve shouted as I raised the door.

The wind howled and I had to duck to avoid a few bullets. We had a very small window now.

"What makes you think you can tell me what to do?" Peggy hissed clearly not liking the idea.

I chuckled shaking my head at her stubbornness.

"I outrank you," Steve stated smirking, "After all I'm a Captain."

With that, he dropped out of the plane with me close behind him. I watched to make sure they turned before turning my body mid air. As we neared the ground, we pulled the tabs and our parachutes shot out. The landing was a little rough but we hadn't been spotted. I stripped my parachute off shoving it into some nearby bushes. Steve looked over at me after doing the same. Exchanging a look we headed towards the main road. I could see perfectly which was strange because there was no light. It quickly occured to me that this was due to the serum.

A convey rumbled down the road towards us. We ducked into the bushes staying low to the ground. As the last truck passed, Steve unhooked the back flap and hopped inside. I followed behind the truck until he'd thrown both guards out. Then I ducked inside it as well after taking both of their comms, walkie-talkies, and guns.

"That wasn't so hard," Steve chuckled softly.

"Oh that was just step one," I snorted shaking my head, "We've got about twelve more to go."

He rolled his eyes and groaned playfully. We then grew silent listening as we rumbled along. I had the better hearing of the two of us and signaled Steve when we got close. He moved to the right front corner, and I moved to the left one. The truck passed through the gates into the facility. It then backed up against the building. Steve and I slipped out a quickly ducked inside the building.

"The main prison ward is here," I said pointing to the small map in my hands.

I then looked around. For once, my super soldier capabilites were of some use. Every sense was on high alert.

"We're here," I finally said pointing a few inches from the other spot.

By scale, that meant we were pretty close but still several yards off.

"Let's do this quickly," Steve whispered nodding.

I nodded in return and we hurried down the hall together. It turned out to be a lot easier than I thought. There were very few guards that we ran into. As we passed one door, Steve paused. I looked back at him with a frown. He held up a finger and darted in. I walked over and looked through the glass on the door. My eyes widened at what panned out before me.

The biggest armory I'd ever seen in my life was in full function. Scientists ran here and there scrambling to finish their projects. I mentally took a picture of what it looked like. The weapons they were creating all contained a strange pulsing blue light. I backed up suddenly as Steve came back through the door. He held up a small object containing a pulsing blue light.

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