Back in Action

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The Howling Commandos quickly became Hydra's biggest threat. And with Stark here on base working with the strange power source of Hydra's weapons, we had more access to technology. I used it to our advantage keeping us one step ahead of Schmidt at all times. The bases were falling like flies.

"Captain America to base, Captain America to base."

I jogged over to the radios. The girls working them handed me an extra set of headphones.

"This is base, Cap, roger," one of them said into the mic.

"We've got our sights on location four. Should we move out now or wait til tomorrow?" he asked.

I glanced at my map and diagrams. This base would be the easiest to get into.

"Go by the East Wing," I instructed my eyes flickering between the two papers, "Take out the forces there and head towards the center. Leave a trail behind you of explosives. Then get out of there. Detonate them from the outside. You'll punch a hole directly through the facility. Take out the remaining few and bring back their weapons."

"Roger that, Miss Rogers," Steve replied.

I could hear the smirk in his voice. I rolled my eyes chuckling.

"Hey when're we gonna change that to Mrs. Barnes."

Several gasps and snickers rippled through the room when James butted in. I felt my face heat up a little. From across the room, Peggy gave me a look.

"Come back alive and we'll talk about it," I replied with a small smile.

"Stop flirting on my radio!" Steve's shout cut in making everyone laugh.

"Go get 'em boys," I said shaking my head.


Bucky was practically glowing as we headed towards the Hydra base.

"Were you being serious?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Maybe," he replied drawing out the word with a childish grin.

I frowned at his answer but left it alone. We followed Angelina's plan to the T and knocked out the base in minutes. It was definitely our easiest one yet.

"Commandos to base, Commandos to base," I said into the radio.

"We read ya loud and clear Cap," a cheery voice called back, "Report?"

"Complete demolition. Snagged seven specialized weapons and fifteen regulars," I answered watching as the guys messed around ahead of me in a clearing.

"We'll send in Stark to pick you boys up tomorrow morning," the girl replied.

The boys decided that a celebratory drink was called for so we headed to one of the local pubs.

"Who's paying?" Junior asked after downing his second beer.

"I will since I'm the only one that'll be sober by the end of this," I offered with a smirk.

"Aye as if. I say you'll be down for the count by six," Jim snorted.

"Should we tell them about your alcohol tolerance?" Bucky chuckled in a hushed voice.

"I'd rather watch them suffer," I replied.

He laughed nodding. It only took seven for Jim to be down for the count. Junior was right after him. Gabe eventually taped out too. I smirked triumphantly. Some of the others were dancing with girls they'd met. I leaned back in my chair and watched.

"This isn't fair."

I looked up to see Bucky frowning at the guys dancing. I chuckled shaking my head.

"I should be out there with my little Doll dancing the night away," he grumbled, "Not sitting around with these drunk bastards."

"We'll be home tomorrow," I promised before nodding to the rows of empty mugs in front of him, "Did you drink all of those?"

He looked at the mugs with a nod.

"Looks like you're not the only one who can slug a few, Punk," he chuckled with a smirk.

I shook my head chuckling.

"Jerk," I mumbled under my breath.

I thought about his strange newfound tolerance. An idea popped into my head instantly. But was it possible? I know Hydra did something to him but they wouldn't go that far. Would they? I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a loud belch. I winced as the smell hit me.

"Geez Louise," I groaned fanning the smell away.

Bucky laughed shaking his head.

"We should head to the airstrip," I suggested standing up.

"What're we gonna do with those two?" Junior asked jabbing a thumb at the two knocked out guys.

"Just get the others," I answered, "We'll get 'em."

Bucky and I grabbed the two knocked out ones while he rounded up the ones that were dancing and drinking in other areas. It was a pretty long walk from the pub to the airstrip. It was more of a strip of open space in a field than an airstrip. We took turns on guard though it was mostly up to Bucky and me to keep watch. The others were too drunk to keep their heads up.

"Whatcha thinking bout Punk? I can see the wheels turning," Bucky called over breaking the silence.

"Were you really serious about the 'Mrs. Barnes' thing?" I questioned looking over at him.

"You're still hung up on that?" he chuckled leaning against a tree.

"Well yeah, this is my baby sister we're talking about," I huffed.

Why was he taking this so lightly? I mean he practically told her he wanted to marry her. And yet, here he is now just staring at the field in front of us. He wouldn't even look at me. He was quiet for so long, I thought he'd dozed off on me.

"I've ben thinking about it for some time now actually," he finally admitted still not looking at me, "I mean when this war is over and we head back to the States, I wanted a life. I was thinking bout settling down maybe somewhere out west. Raising a family with Angelina."

I didn't answer at first. It was kind of a lot to take in. This was the first time I'd heard Bucky ever talk like this. He's been with a lot of girls before but it's never gotten this serious. He even had a goofy grin plastered on his face as he stared off in the distance. I'd never seen this look before.

"Well, if you really love her, go for it," I sighed.

His head snapped around so fast I thought his neck would snap.

"Really?" he checked with an uncertain look.

"Really really," I chuckled nodding, "Just remember that I'm with you-"

"To the end of the line," he finished with a smile, "Guess that means I'll have to make you my best man."

"Not like you had a choice," I snorted.

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