Chapter 42

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Hi my sweetie cutie pies.

Hope you all are doing well.

Let's start the story...........


VR Mansion

In the evening.......

Vansh enters inside the mansion and sees that only dadi, Ishani and chachi is in hall room. But they're busy in their own work so it was easy for him to leave from there without getting noticed by them. He comes in his room. To meet with his Riddhima.

Here Riddhima is waiting for Vansh because now it's getting late and he didn't come after leaving in the morning. Now she's really getting tensed with every passing seconds.

When Vansh enters inside he sees that his little wife is sitting on the bed in a not so good mood. Seeing her all his sourness of mood flew away from the window. He slowly walks near her and sits on the bed beside her.

Riddhima understands that someone sits beside her and she knows that the person is her one and only husband. A breath of relief washed over her knowing that he's fine and she has a urge to hug him tightly to confirm that he's really fine. But at the same time she's also angry with him, so she stops herself from doing that.

Riddhima's pov......

What he thinks of himself? He only can be worried for me. Don't I've any right to be worried for him? He always does this. Today I'll surely teach him a lesson. Wait and watch Mr Rai Singhania. I won't talk with you. You're really taking me for granted. But you've to realize my importance in your life.

Riddhima's pov end.

Vansh understands that his wife is seriously angry on him. He have to do something to melt his now grumpy little wife's anger. He keeps his hand on her shoulder and calls her in a sugar-coated endearment.

Vansh: sweetheart....

Riddhima slapped his hand away from her shoulder and turns more to other direction. She makes some distance between them.

Vansh (in mind): she's really very angry.

Vansh lessened the distance between them and sits more close to him. Riddhima is still looking at other direction.

Vansh: least listen to me.

Riddhima: What I'll listen to you? Hell, why you want me to listen? Who am I to you that you....

Riddhima takes a glance of Vansh while saying her heart out and that instant her sentence gets stopped in middle seeing those wound's mark on his face and body. His hairs are disheveled and dress is messy. Instantly Riddhima's facial expressions gets changed from angry to concern. She cups his face in her both palms.

Riddhima: Vansh what happened to you? How you get this wounds? Ohh my God! It''s  bleeding.

She asks him many questions without giving any time to even answer. Panic is written all over her face. Her eyes becomes moist indicating that she's on the verge of crying.

Vansh is amazed seeing her care for him. He feels good from inside thinking that at least someone is here to take care of her.

Riddhima: these wounds are deep. I've to do first aid. Why didn't you visit hospital? Let me bring the first aid box.

Riddhima was  about to stand up to bring first aid kit but Vansh stops her by holding her wrist and makes her sit again.

Vansh: relax Riddhima. It's just some simple cuts. Nothing serious. You don't have to be tensed.

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