First Mentions Of A Family

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The credits of the movie played as your eyes soon looked up at Yoongi, his focus out of the window, as it had been for the entirety of the movie. "Did you watch any of that?" You teased, poking his cheek.

"Of course, I watched the whole thing."

"Right," you muttered, sensing quickly that something was wrong. The colour had drained entirely from his skin as he looked down at you momentarily before glancing back out of the window again. "Are you alright? You've been weird all night."

"Yeah, it's just been a bit of a long day at work, that's all," he lied, offering you a weak smile, trying desperately to get you off of his back.

You didn't want to push the matter as you knew how stressful work could get to him, but you could also tell too that there was definitely something more to what was going on.

"I think I'm just going to head up to bed now," he stated as you turned the film off.

"Do you want me to come up too? So, I don't disturb you later."

"Yeah, if you want," he nonchalantly replied, throwing the blanket that was draped over you both to the floor, heading straight for the stairs whilst you sorted the living room out.

Once you'd finally made your way upstairs, Yoongi was already laid out on the bed with the duvet tucked underneath his chin, the only light in the room was your lamp still on, with his already out to try and get to sleep as soon as he could.

You were quiet as you went about your business before getting into bed too, laying face to face with him. You could still tell that something was going on, much more than he was letting on to, you knew him much better than he thought you did at times like this.

Your expression softened as he finally looked across at you, "as much as I don't want to be that annoying girlfriend, I just want you to know that if something is the matter, I'm here."

His head nodded slowly, "I'm not sure if you'll really want to hear what's on my mind."

"Try me," you encouraged, reaching under the duvet for his hand. "It might surprise you what sort of advice I have hidden away."

You weren't quite sure in what direction the conversation would go, but you were still desperate to be there for him and assure him through whatever the problem was. Nothing was too much when it came to looking after and protecting him.

"You don't need to be scared to tell me anything," you quickly added as the room fell silent again, making sure that he didn't get cold feet to tell you.

"There's just been a lot of conversation recently at work about the future," he finally began, letting go of a shaky breath.

You nodded, so far so good. "I expect you've been talking a lot about what you're going to do with the band now you're all getting a bit older."

"That's the thing," he sighed, "it's not just the band we've been talking about."

You nodded, intrigued to see where else he was going to go and what other discussions had been had.

"When you say we're not getting any younger, it's got me thinking a lot about the two of us too," he spoke, "and with that I've been thinking a lot about our future as husband and wife too."

The pieces of the puzzle soon began to piece together as you began to realise exactly what direction Yoongi was going for. "Is all of this because you wanted to ask me about starting a family?"

"I wasn't sure if it was something you were going to be ready for, and I didn't want to push such an important conversation onto you," he huffed as you made yourself comfortable against his chest.

He was crazy if he thought you hadn't been thinking about a family too, after settling into marriage it felt like the natural next step to take. As time passed by, it was a thought that often frequented in your head and made you wonder.

Your head shook lightly as his eyes fell on you, nudging against his hip lightly. You reached out for his hand by his side, beginning to spin his wedding band around his finger, giggling gently to yourself as you did.

"How long has this been something you thought about?" You asked, "how long have you been too scared to bring it up in front of me?"

Straight away he knew how much of a fool he was for making himself so anxious. "A long time, ask the boys, they're probably sick and tired of me whining to them about what to do or when the right time would have been to bring it up."

"I feel so sorry for them," you chuckled, "I can't believe you ever thought that I'd be unhappy about talking about starting a family."

"So, it's something you want to?"

Of course," you exclaimed, as if you hadn't already made it obvious enough, "why else do you think I chose to marry you?"

You leant up against his side, pressing a delicate kiss to his cheek. "I just thought you married me for my handsome face and charming smile," he teased, reciprocating your gesture back at you.

"Well, that might have had a little part to play in it," you acknowledged, "but mainly because you were the one, I wanted a family with."

"I probably should have figured that all along, shouldn't I?"

"Perhaps, but these aren't things people can presume," you comforted, "plenty of couples don't have these conversations, and then it's too late."

His head nodded, settling you back down against his side, "that was what I was afraid of. I always just guessed this about you because you're so good around children, but then a small part began to doubt that I'd taken all of that for granted."

You smiled softly at him as he began to work himself up once again. The thought of him keeping all of this bottled up for so long hurt you really, but now you could only hope that talking it through would be enough to ease his mind.

"There's been plenty of moments when I've thought of bringing this up around you too, you're right when you think there's a right moment. At least now we've talked about all of this we can start to plan our future together properly."

"Well, we definitely are not getting any younger," he reminded you once again, "and to be honest, if one more person asks me when we're going to start having a family together, I feel like I'm going to end up going crazy."

You smiled gently, understanding entirely what he meant. "Just today I had three people at work ask me if I was pregnant yet."

His eyes rolled, "see this is what I hate about life after marriage, there's so much pressure on the two of us now, and it's ended up making us so scared to talk about these things to each other.

"At least now we can work at these things at our own pace."

"Exactly, we'll take these steps when we're ready, not when everyone else wants us to," he assured you, squeezing you gently.

"Please don't ever be scared to talk to me again about all of these things, that's why we're married Yoongi, to be open with each other."

"I know, I feel like a right idiot right now."

"Don't, there's no need."

Min Yoongi ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz