He Confesses To You

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Crossing off the final date of your calendar to Yoongi coming home felt like a huge sigh of relief, the pages were full of red crosses where you'd marked down how long you'd have to wait for your best friend to finally come home.

As you sat across from him at your favourite coffee shop later that day, it felt like he'd never been away. His smile was still wide, telling you all of the fun memories that he'd made, catching up just like old friends do.

From the moment you met Yoongi you knew you'd found a friend for life in him, one thing he never did, despite how crazy his life got, was leave you behind.

"I drunk a lot of coffee whilst we were on tour, but nothing still compares to this," he chuckled, taking a huge sip from his latte, "and nothing beats a coffee with you."

"You're cute," you smiled, pointing to his top lip where a line of froth appeared, smirking as he used the sleeve of his jumper to wipe it off. "There must have been a good coffee shop somewhere?"

His head shook, "they were good, but nothing compares to home."

He allowed himself to relax back in the armchair he sat in, the familiar four walls of one store brought him so much comfort it was impossible for him to describe.

The peace and quiet home brought always made him happy, he never had to hide or fear fans finding him here, this was one of the few spots where he could allow himself to be himself.

"We went to one coffee shop, and a fan was stood in the door down on one knee waiting for me to come out," he informed you, cringing at the memory, "I think she was going to propose."

"I bet loads of fans would love for you to propose to them," you smirked, "I'd never imagined a fan would propose to you though. I guess that's what you get being a member of a global group, all the attention from thousands of people."

"It's nice, but sometimes I wish it didn't have to happen," he spoke, his smile drooping. At times he often found himself so jealous of you, being able to walk around town freely without ever being stopped or cornered by anyone.

You were quick to change the subject back to tour, asking him how the boys were and how much fun they had on their travels. Yoongi's smile quickly reappeared as he began to tell you about some of the funniest times, they all shared together.

"They were always mocking me whenever I told them that I was talking to you, they really are like kids sometimes," he chuckled, shaking his head as he remembered their behaviour.

You'd been on the receiving end of the boys too at times, desperately trying to find out when the two of you were getting together. Whilst the two of you were adamant you were just friends; the boys knew the spark they saw in front of them.

You smiled weakly as Yoongi quickly fell silent, placing his coffee mug down on the table, pressing his palms together. His shoulders dropped, concerning you slightly as you searched for his eyes to meet your own.

"It's weird, don't you think?" He spoke aloud.

"I mean we've both always known the boys are weird, so it's not too surprising."

"No, I don't mean that. It's just I spend all this time away, and with you, it never feels like I've been away."

His voice was barely a whisper as he trailed off his sentence, trying to push the thought to the back of his mind. You understood exactly what he was talking about, but you couldn't help but feel there was a little more than that playing on his mind.

"That's something I've thought a lot about whilst we've been on tour," he then added.

Your confusion grew, "you really need to stop talking in riddles? Tell me what you've been thinking about Yoongi."

He brushed it aside, but you quickly protested, reminding him that if he was able to talk to anyone, then his best friend would always be that person. Whatever it was, you were going to help him and give him the best advice that you possibly could.

"It can't be that bad," you assured him, "you think about a lot on tour so I'm sure there's plenty you want to get off your chest."

"But this is one specific thing," he noted, peering at you through the gaps in his hair that sat flat, "it's a feeling to be honest. Being away from you for all this time has made me revaluate how important you are to my life, and question if maybe there is a different feeling to explore...love."

Your eyes widened as he spoke, feeling your heart rate quicken as he looked away again to try and hide his blush. "This is the softest you've ever been," you giggled, trying to ease the tension of the situation, "do you really think there could be something between us both?"

His head nodded slowly, "I wondered before tour if there was something there, but being away from you for all this time, it made me realise that there is something there, for me."

"And for me too," you quickly assured him, reaching across the table to take a hold of his hand, "it's been so hard not having you around for so long, no one ever manages to fill the hole you leave behind."

He stood up at the table, pulling you up with him, closing the distance between you both, placing his spare hand against your waist. The two of you had shared moments like this plenty of times before, but this time it all felt so different.

"I used to tell the boys they were being ridiculous for telling me that you could fancy me, but the more I thought about it the more I thought about how much I wanted that to happen, because I wanted to be with you," he confessed.

"I used to tell them the exact same thing, you had thousands of girls who loved you, I just thought I'd always just be your best friend, or just the girl you needed when you were home," you admitted, looking away from his eyes, "I just thought I'd wait until you found the one."

"But you were always the one I wanted, there was never going to be anyone else."

His hand came under your chin, bringing your eyes back up to meet his. "I know that now," you chuckled, "but at the time I thought I was just filling the gap, waiting for you to find the one you wanted to fill that missing piece of your life."

His head shook in disbelief, the two of you had spent months thinking you were just a gap fill in each other's lives, without realising the gaps had already been filled. He stepped forwards, resting his forehead against your own.

"Yoongi, can you kiss me now?"

"Of course, it would be an absolute pleasure."



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