"Jeremy wouldn't just leave you to deal with Klaus on your own" Bonnie argued.

"I know" Elena replied "I asked Damon to compel him"

"You what?" Bonnie questioned.

"I know, I don't agree with it either, but the god-brother wasn't given a choice in this" Avy stated.

"I know, but it's not safe for him here anymore, leaving will give him a better life" Elena spoke "The only reason I'm telling you is because I know that you two haven't really worked out your stuff, and I thought that maybe you'd wanna say goodbye"

Bonnie sighed, turning to glance at Jeremy before sending Elena a disapproving look.


Avy grinned as he and his friends jumped out, revealing their party hats, presents and balloons to the blonde girl, said girl smiling gently.

"Happy birthday!" Matt greeted.

"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline wondered.

"Well you blew off school and missed our work of birthday art, so..." Avy placed a crown on Caroline's head.

"Change into warmer clothes, we are going to the Falls" Bonnie informed "S'mores, camp fire.."

"Cake! Like when we were little" Elena added.

"Except for the tequila!" Matt corrected.

"Thanks, guys, really" Caroline struggled "I'm just not feeling my birthday this year"

"I'm sorry, what?" Bonnie scoffed "You've already claimed your birthday as everyone's favourite day of the year"

"Yeah, and now, it's just a reminder that technically, I'm dead" Caroline sighed "Look, I didn't even like 17, and the only point to being 17 is to get to 18"

Everyone frowned.

"It's a filler year" Caroline continued "I'm stuck in a filler year"

"You're not stuck, Caroline" Elena argued.

"Yeah I am, but it's okay, you know, it's all good, I'll be fine" Caroline replied "But I just need some time to wallow in it"

"Okay, well I think I have another idea" Avy smirked.

Avy grinned at his friends.


Avy grinned brightly as the crypt appeared before them, each of them moving into it, placing things on the stone benches.

"There it is" Elena pointed out.

"This is creepy, even for us" Bonnie spoke.

"No, Caroline was right...technically, she's dead" Avy said "Sorry, but you don't need a birthday, you need a funeral, you need to say goodbye to your old life, so that you can move on with your new one"

Caroline grinned at the Original Hybrid.

"Okay" Caroline began, placing her crown on the stone beside her "Here lies Caroline Forbes..."

BLESSED - CURSED • ELIJAH MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now