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It's nighttime, I watch Raven with Finn. Everyone is either crying or just crazy because of those nuts, I'm happy I didn't eat any.

"You are the most beautiful broom in a broom closet full of brooms." Raven tells the boy in front of her and hugs him. I smile at Finn who rolls his eyes. A girl starts crying behind us.

"I got this one." He says, turning around and walking up to her. I see Lincoln and Finn stare at each other, he lets the Grounder leave but I stop him. "You saw him too, right?"

"Finn, don't get mad." He shakes his head. "We let him out." He frowns.

"Who is we?" Shit.

"Did I say we? I meant, me." I reply. "I let him out."


"Because it was wrong, I get it, he stabbed you and you almost died but, he is seriously not a bad person." He nods, hearing someone else cry.

"Okay, I get this one." I stop him real quick.

"Please don't tell anyone." He shakes his head.

"I won't." He assures me, walking away. I turn around and jump slightly when Jasper suddenly stands right in front of me. I smile at him but he seems to be still high on those nuts.

"I think I'm getting sick, did you see those Grounders too?" I sigh, rubbing up and down his arm a little.

"No, there are no Grounders. I promise, they're not here." He nods softly at my words.

"But I think I saw one wearing a hoodie." My eyes widen a little, Lincoln, he saw Lincoln.

"Jasper, there are really no Grounders in this camp, you hear me?" He smiles.

"Good to hear." I want to walk away but he pulls me back by my arm. He strokes my hair and places a poison sumac in my hair which reminds me of our first day here. "You're beautiful." My heart skips a beat, I mean he's high but he just really said that.

"And you're handsome." I walk away, a small smile on my face.


Lucky for me the nuts wore off on Jasper and Monty soon too, Jasper holds his head, trying to remember all the things that happened meanwhile I walk up to Raven.

"That was a very cute situation." Raven tells me, raising her eyebrows while nodding at Jasper. "You like him?" I shrug.

"Dunno, well, I do but he likes Octavia and I shouldn't expect him to forget her and choose me."

"Oh come on, I don't think there's anyone better for him than you." Finn says.

"How are you two doing?" Raven shurgs, clearly not ready to talk about it.

"He's gone! The Grounder is gone!" Miller screams, walking out of the dropship. Everyone gets up, looking around.

"What if he brings other Grounders back?" My eyes find Octavia's and she shakes her head subtly.

"They'll kill us all."

"Or worse." Bellamy walks up to the group with Clarke and a bag they're both carrying.

"Let the Grounders come." He says, putting the bag down. "We've been afraid of them for too long. Why? Because of their knives and spears. I don't know about you but I'm tired of being afraid." They show the amount of guns they have found and place them on the ground.

"These are weapons, okay? Not toys." Clarke states. "We have to be prepared to give them up to the guard when the ship comes. But until then, they're gonna help keep us safe."

"Malin and I will teach everyone how to use them." Bellamy says, walking up to me. "That is, if you want." I smile at him.

"Of course." He smiles too.

"Tomorrow we start training. And if the Grounders come, we're gonna be ready to fight." Bellamy finishes, bringing the calm back to us all.

I sit down, drinking from the water and looking over camp. Jasper sits down next to me and for a moment there is silence.

"I'm sorry." He says, I look at him, confused. He sighs. "I have flirted with you, I believe. I don't really remember all that actually." I laugh.

"Yeah, you told me that I was beautiful." He smiles a little.

"I meant it, you know?" I look at him, seeing a small blush on his cheeks. "You really are beautiful." I try to not smile too big.

"You are cute." He looks up.

"It was you, huh?" I frown at him. "You let the Grounder go." He whispers. I shake my head but before I can say anything he stops me. "You have a big heart, be proud of that."

"It wasn't my idea." He chuckles.

"I was aware." Jasper replies. "Do you think he'll come back?" I shake my head.

"If anything I think Octavia will go to him." It's Jasper's turn to be confused now, I shake my head realizing what I had just said. Monty sits down next to us. "How is your head? I have heard many people have hungovers."

"I'm good, pretty sure I ate a pinecone because it told me to but, I'm fine." He replies. I smile at that. "Today was weird." I nod at him. "I probably should apologize for all the weird stuff I've said to you."

"You too?" Jasper asks, Monty nods. "Jeez, Malin. You really went through a lot today, huh?" I chuckle.

"He told me I'm squishy and he was looking for a shrinking machine to put me inside his pocket so he can squish me all the time." Monty groans.

"Enough of that, seriously." Jasper and I laugh, looking at each other and stopping. My heart pounds in my chest, noticing his eyes spark a little. "Good thing we're back to normal. Forget everything we've said then." Jasper stops me from turning away.

"Not everything." I smile, nodding before I get up.

"Anyways, I'm going to my tent and sleep. Good night, guys."

"Good night, Malin."

Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now