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Night came along, we decided to go asleep in the forest not far away from the river as we were thinking of a way to get to the other side. Everyone quickly fell asleep, Octavia and Jasper close to each other, Clarke and Finn and then Monty and I.

I was just able to catch the blue glow from the flowers and the trees before sleep overtook me. I was relieved we were all still alive but I couldn't help but feel anxious thinking about my father, he hadn't been able to visit me in the Sky Box and didn't say goodbye. Was he just mad at me or wasn't he allowed to?

I prayed he is okay, after everything I did get myself arrested and it sure would've made him angry, or disappointed even. My sleep was dreamless until I heard something snap beside me, my eyes shoot open, I had never been a light sleeper. This is something I usually don't wake up for but maybe Earth has made me a little more concious about everything.

I see Finn sneak away from us. I sit up, blinking a couple of times as I watch him leave. I get up and decide to follow him, curious as to where he is going. I think this is the way back to the river but I'm not sure, the dark has made it harder to track everything.

"Finn, what are you doing?" He stops, turning around and facing me. There's a soft smile on his lips, his hands in his pockets.

"Going to the river for some water, you coming?" I nod. We continue walking, retracing the couple steps we came from and ultimately arriving at the river. He squats down in front of the water.

"Wait!" I tell him right before he to put his hand inside. "Don't forget, riversnakes." I say. He chuckles and points at the gun in my pocket.

"Don't forget mass shooter, you can prevent me from losing my fingers."

"First of all, I'm not a great shooter, I was still training when I got arrested. Second, it's night which will block my sight and third, there are not many bullets left."

"How many bullets are left?" Finn asks, I shrug taking the pistol out of my pocket and opening it up. I count carefully.

"There were twelve slots and I shot twice and one seemed to have been empty which means 9 left." I reply. Finn nods, taking a leaf from the bushes and putting it under water while I put the gun back in my pocket.

"Here." He tells me, handing me the leave filled with water. I thank him and drink quickly, sighing in relief at the freshness. "Do you think they know, we're still alive?"

"That's what those wristbands are for."

"No, I mean, what if they don't work 100%, then they have no idea we're still alive." Finn explains, I nod, handing the leave back to him.

"They have to work."

"We need to let them know we're here and fine." I hum in agreement.

"How do you wanna do that?" I ask, handing the leaf back to him.

"I hoped you might've had an idea, aren't you a genius or something?" I huff, watching him refilling the leave and getting up again. We start walking back towards the others.

"The reason I didn't want to become an engineer is because I don't want people to associate me with my dad." I tell him. "I have no idea how all that works."

"Liar." Finn whispers, walking back to the others. "I know you know. You're this very smart student in class, I've seen you. Why do you hide your brains?"

"I don't know. Maybe I want people to see me instead of Sinclair's daughter."

"I've got good news for you then. Cause when I look at you, I see Malin, a very smart and sweet girl who knows her way with guns ." I laugh softly, shaking my head.

"We have only met today, Finn. You can't know all that about me yet."

"No?" He asks, smirking. "We are gonna be stuck on Earth for the next centuries, guess we should get to know each other then." I stop next to Monty and the others who are still sleeping.

"I'ma catch some more sleep, good night Finn."

"Good night Malin."


It's morning, we have walked back to the river and wait for Finn and Jasper to work out their amazing plan they came up with. I stand with Clarke, Octavia and Monty on the rocks next to the water while the other two boys stand a little higher.

"Do you think their plan will work?" Monty asks me, while looking up at the two.

"If only I knew what their plan was. But two idiots working together could never be bad, could it?" Monty laughs at that.

"Hey, how did you even know my brother?" Octavia asks softly, a small smile on her face. "It was clear you know each other and he's usually not that nice, well, I think."

"We trained together to become guards, at some point he stopped coming to training and I saw him for the first time again on the ground but, we talked, I guess."

"Thank you, again. You saved my life with that shot."

"I think Jasper did more than me but, you're welcome." I pause, turning to her. "We didn't really start off well, did we?" I ask.

"Yeah, we should start over. I'm Octavia Blake." She replies, holding her hand out. I shake it.

"Malin Sinclair, nice to meet you." We giggle together.

"Quit stalling and see if your plan worked." Clarke says, breaking the silence and looking up at the two boys. "Mount Weather awaits." Finn looks at the other side of the river. "Today, Finn."

"Aye, aye, captain." Finn replies, holding onto the vine. "See you on the other side." Jasper seems to stop him and goes first instead. He holds onto the vine tightly, a moment passes before he jumps and swings over the river.

We all cheer, watching him swing to the other side. He lets go of the vine, falling to the ground. We run to the edge of the rocks, watching as he climbs up and faces us.

"We are Apogee." He screams, lifting his hands. We scream back, laughing together as he does a little happy dance.

"Let's go, princess. You're up." Finn tells Clarke, handing the vine to her.

"Come on, Clarke! You've got this. Whoo. Apogee." Jasper screams, making me laugh again. He lifts a sign up and shows us. "We did it. Mount Weather."

I sigh in relief before Jasper gets shot back. I look over, my eyes widened. "Jasper!" Clarke and I scream in sync. A spear visibly through his chest. Finn pulls us back, starting to run. I reach for Monty's hand, pulling him along with me and getting down behind a rock.

"Get that fucking gun out." Finn demands, I reach for it, looking around to see what exactly it is that I need to shoot.

"I can't see where they are." I reply, scanning the bushes to see where the spear came from.

"We are not alone."

Promise me - Jasper JordanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant