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"Lincoln." Octavia repeats. "I'm Octavia." He looks at me. "That's Malin." I wave softly, smiling at him. "Was that it? Is that all you're gonna say."

"Octavia, give him some time. He's been drained from everything for the past days." I tell her, seeing her nod in understanding.

"It's not safe for us to talk." Lincoln replies to Octavia's earlier questions.

"Well if we shouldn't talk, then..." She pauses. "Why did you tell me your name?"

"I want you to remember me." And third wheel I am. This is the cutest thing I've seen all day apart from Jasper. I feel bad for Lincoln, wanting to get him out of here now. "After I'm dead." He finishes his sentence. Oh, that's a little less cute.

"You're not gonna die. Don't say that." Octavia whispers.

"Octavia." He replies. "This only ends one way." I shake my head, almost crying at this.

"Just talk to them." She replies. "Tell them you're not the enemy."

"But I am." Oh the pain! The hatch opens, Miller climbs out of it and sees Octavia. He looks at me.

"Weren't you supposed to guard him?"

"I am, Octavia doesn't harm him."

"She's not supposed to be here, Bellamy..." I cut him off.

"Bellamy is not my boss, Miller. Damn, you used to be different, live without fear. Where's the dude that said that he didn't want to be controlled?" I ask.

"He's still here."

"Don't know, you look pretty controlled to me." I say, grabbing Octavia's hand and walking downstairs again.

"We need to get him out." She says, stopping me from leaving.

"I was thinking the same thing." I admit. Her eyes light up. "Yes, I'll help you but not now, you come and get me whenever everything is safe." She hugs me, I hold her.

"Thank you."


I'm inside the tent, watching Monty look at his own hand. He's been a little bit out of it if you ask me, I stare at him, trying not to laugh at my best friend.

"Earth is scary." Jasper says, walking inside and nodding at me.

"Earth is amazing. Fresh air. Trees." Monty replies, he picks up another nut, staring at it. "Nuts." He puts it in his mouth. "This is better than usual, right?"

"What is up with him?" Jasper asks me, nudging my shoulder. I shrug, laughing it off. Monty lays down, staring at the top of his tent.

"I'd like to give Earth a giant hug." He says. I get up, walking over to him, so does Jasper.

"You're acting weird." He tells his friend.

"I feel weird." Monty replies. "But in a good way." He winks, clicking his tongue as he does.

"All right, I don't know about Earth, but I want one of those giant hugs." I tell him, opening my arms. He hugs me immediately, resting his head on my shoulder.

"You're so squishy." I blush. "Like squishier than usual." I don't know if that's a good thing but when I look back I see that Jasper had already left.

"I guess we're both squishy." I tell him a little confused, pulling away from the hug. He nods, stroking my cheek.

"Why are you so squishy? I want to put you in my pocket and squish you whenever I want." I blink, watching him. He's high. Totally fucking bummed.

"Good thing you are my best friend then." I say, walking out of our tent and seeing Jasper sit with a stick in his hands. "Octavia!" She turns to look at me.

"I was wondering if you have a shrinkage machine, cause then I can actually put you in my pocket as a stressball." Monty says to me, I see Octavia struggling not to laugh.

"What happened?"

"We're all a little high, but Monty in specific. He keeps telling me I'm squishy." I reply. Monty walks away, probably looking for his shrinking machine. I look down at a scared Jasper holding a stick.

"What's up with him?" She smiles.

"He's just defending himself with a Grounder stick." I frown at her, confusion taking over me. "Wanna break Lincoln out?" I look at her.

"What? Now?"

"Is there a better moment? Everyone is high." I nod, walking with her to the dropship. She pushes open the hatch and climbs in first. I wait on the second floor.

"Get out!" I hear Miller scream.

"Relax. I thought you might be hungry." Octavia says, throwing him a bag of nuts. "A peace offering. I shouldn't have come up here earlier. It was stupid and dangerous and, he's not worth it. I won't tell Bellamy if you won't." She comes back. I give her a confused look but she shakes her head.

We wait for a while, Octavia gets down going to get some stuff while I wait for Miller to be either down or asleep. She soon comes up, Miller had already left, being high enough. I'm lucky I didn't eat any of those nuts.

We climb up, standing in front of Lincoln, Octavia throws the stuff she could find on the ground in front of him. And we both take one hand to lose. He groans, looking down at his hands.

"We need to go, now." Octavia says, freeing his feet while I hand him some clothes to keep him warm.

"Why are you two doing this?" He asks.

"Because you don't deserve it." I reply, walking back a little.

"They'll know you helped me." Lincoln says, pulling a shirt over his head.

"Don't worry, they won't. Everyone in this camp is high." I tell him, smiling.

"You said it yourself. If you stay here, you'll die. I'm not gonna let that happen." Octavia replies.

"I'm not gonna put you in danger." And third wheel, again.

"We need to do this now." We help him up, getting him down even though the wounds. Octavia closes the zipper on his jacket.

"Jobi nuts. The food you gave my guard. They go bad, they cause visions, but it wears off." Lincoln explains. Good to hear Monty and Jasper won't be like this forever.

"Just get as far away as you can, okay?" Lincoln nods. "And try not to get youself killed." I watch as he leans down and kisses her. I smile, trying to make myself invisible. Lincoln gets out and I stare at her.

"You are unbelievable." I tell her, watching as she smiles at me. "But you got game."

Promise me - Jasper JordanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang