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"How do we know this is the right way?" John asks, as we all walk through the opening in the forest. I had put Jasper's goggles on my forehead where he would wear them a lot too. Somehow this made me feel a little bit better about the whole situation.

"We don't." Bellamy replies. "The spacewalker thinks he's a tracker."

"It's called cutting sign. Fourth year Earth skills. He's good." Wells explains.

"I remember taking that class but never actually knowing how or where." I reply making Wells chuckle.

"You wanna keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Finn asks, I sigh. He looks at a small branch which is torn and bends down to see more blood.

"See? You're invisible." Bellamy tells Wells. I smack his arm.

"And you are irrelevant. But you don't see me complaining about that every second." He turns to me with a glare on his face.

"You really like getting under my skin, don't you Mecha?"

"Oh so I'm getting under your skin? Good." I reply, ignoring the stupid nickname and hearing a loud moan from the forest. We all look up towards the source of the noise.

"What the hell was that?"

"Now would be a good time to take out those guns." Clarke says, I do so and hold the gun tightly in my hands, following them through the bushes and to the sounds.

We soon stop, seeing Jasper hanging on a tree, his shirt gone and his arms stuck above his head. His chest is covered in bruises and cuts, my heart drops at the sight in front of me.

"Oh my God. Jasper?" Clarke asks, looking up.

"Come on, keep moving." We run towards him, I am right next to Clarke as we almost reach the huge tree.

"What the hell is this?" Bellamy asks, standing next to me. Clarke falls, trying to grab something to hold onto and Bellamy grabbing her hand, saving her from the fall. Wells and Finn immediately go over to help her back up onto the grass. We all look down, seeing the spikes that could've killed her if it wasn't for Bellamy's reflexes.

"We need to get him down." She states. Brushing off the dirt and looking back at Jasper in front of us.

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines." Finn says, walking up to the tree.

"I'm with you." Wells tries but gets stopped by Finn.

"No, stay with Clarke."

"I love how nobody cares I'm here." I mutter to myself.

"I care." I look up to see John grinning down at me. "You're good for bait." I roll my eyes, following Finn up the tree.

"There's a poultice on his wound." Clarke says, seeing the green on Jasper's chest.

"Medicine?" Wells asks. "Why would they save his life just to string him up..."

"Maybe what they're trying to catch... like's his dinner to be breathing." Bellamy replies.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch is us." Finn says what we all were thinking. I shake my head, brushing the thought off of me as I keep on climbing, making my way over to Jasper and looking at the vines.

"Did someone bring like a knife?" I look down, seeing John give his selfmade one to Finn who gives it to me.

"Hurry up Malin."

"Be careful." I sigh cutting open the vines around Jasper's middle. Finn is below me, cutting free his feet. It takes a bit longer than I wanted or hoped for every second counts. A roar is heard from the bushes.

"What the hell is that?" John asks, looking around.

"Grounders?" Bellamy asks, my eyes widen as I see the animal sneak up to us slowly. It's kinda beautiful but undeniably dangerous.

"No, a puma!" I reply, nodding to the sunlight coming through. It jumps out running up to us.

"Bellamy! Gun!" Clarke screams, I reach for mine, trying to get it out of my pocket as fast as I can, it being stuck on my pants.

I hear someone else shoot, watching as Wells keeps missing, I finally get my gun free pointing it towards the puma, for a moment it seems to be gone, we all pause. Where the hell did it go. I scan the bushes, my eyes falling on a specific part next to Bellamy.

The puma soon jumps out of the bushes, straight to Bellamy. One bullet is all it takes for me to hit and for it to die. The other gun stops working.

"Wells, you fucking idiot." I breathe out, putting the gun back inside my pocket before returning to cutting Jasper lose.

"Now she sees you." Bellamy tells him, breathing out heavily.


With Jasper finally lose, we walk back to camp, carrying him with us. The atmosphere is now different as everyone is mad at Wells and more in their own world. We finally reach camp, seeing how everyone was sitting around a campfire as we come in. It's already dark outside.

"Is he...?" Monty asks, not able to say it.

"He's alive." Clarke assures him. "I need boiled water and strips of cloth for a bandage." I walk inside the dropship with Clarke and Finn. Jasper is now on the top floor, Clarke is checking his wound while I clean his face a little from all the blood.

Finn comes up to her, handing her some thing he probably made himself. I continue to focus on the poor boy on the ground, cleaning the cuts while rubbing my hands through his hair softly.

They get up, walking outside when all that could've been done is done. Soon Monty gets inside and walking up to me. He smiles and sits down, looking at our friend on the ground.

"Here, eat something." Monty tells me, handing me a part of the puma. "After all, I heard you're the one who shot it." I nod, sighing in relief.

"After Wells wasted all his bullets." I reply, smiling as he starts eating on his bits.

"He will be fine, right?" Monty asks, nodding at Jasper.

"Of course, we didn't get him out just to let him die, did we?" He nods. "How is the comunicating to the Ark going?"

"I can't seem to get anywhere really. If the wristband thing works, it would only be in morse code." I look down at mine, watching the metal hug my wrist. If they need wristbands I could give mine but my dad-. "Don't worry, keep yours on. Your dad is probably working in the operating room, can't have him think you died, right?"

"I really want to help."

"I know, and you are. You brought our best friend back, thank you for that." I give him a soft smile, taking a bite of my food.

"I would've done anything to get him back."

Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now