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Clarke finishes the sewing part and cuts off the acces of the robe she used.

"I'm done." She says, relieved.

"Good, do you have anything to cover the wound with?" Abby asks over the radio. I shake my head.

"Unless you want to rip off some part of your shirt then no." I reply.

"We'll make do." Clarke says. "Like always."

"Should he be this pale? Warm too?"

"He's lost a lot of blood, Raven. But if your boyfriend's anywhere near as tough as you, I'm sure he'll be fine." It's just become my job to comfort Clarke any time Raven and Finn are close to each other and it has become a pain to watch. She feels his skin.

"Wait, mom. She's right. He's feverish. His breathing is uneven."

"Give him some time to recover." I look down at Clarke, not fully convinced everything is fine yet. "Let me know if it gets any worse, but I think he may just be out of the woods."

"Well down here, there's nothing but woods."

"Not if you count the mountains and rivers we've seen." I try to joke but nobody is in the mood.

"I need a break."

"Clarke, Clarke wait. Raven, Malin, could you give us a few minutes?" Abby asks.

"No, no. Stay with Finn." Clarke says. "How is your head?"

"I'm fine, really." She nods, walking up to the ladder. I look at Raven.

"I'ma go too if you want." She nods, I get up the ladder too, just to the second floor where everyone else is. I see Monty and Jasper and walk up to them. I sit down.

"How is Finn doing?" Jasper asks, I sigh.

"He's alive."

"That doesn't sound very convincing." Monty replies. I shrug.

"He's feverish and pale but he also just got through a surgery so I guess that's just completely normal."

"Give him some time, he'll be fine." I smile, remembering how I was able to talk to my dad for just a couple of seconds, but it was enough. It was definitely enough.

"What's gotten in your mind, huh? You seem happier than you're supposed to be." Jasper comments.

"Am I supposed to moan about those deads continuesly?" He shakes his head. "Good, I'm just relieved I guess, hearing my dad's voice brought me some calmness."

"Soon, we'll all be able to talk to our parents a little more." I nod, resting my head against the wall.

"I don't understand how Clarke does it, I'm exhausted by just watching her sew Finn's wound." Monty chuckles, bringing his hand up to stroke my hair but feeling my forehead in the process.

"I don't think Finn's the only person who's feverish, are you sure you're okay?" I nod, lying a little. The headache is back but I've been living with migraine often enough so this shouldn't bother me too much.

"Clarke! He's seizing!" I hear Raven scream. Clarke gets down the ladder and looks at me.

"Malin, come on."

"I don't think-" I cut Monty off by getting up.

"I'm fine, really." I say before following Clarke down. We look at Finn, he is bad, very bad.

"Get my mom on the radio!" Clarke shouts, Raven doesn't do anything so I run up to it, knowing maybe a little bit of technology thanks to my dad.

"The radio is dead, interference from the storm." Raven tells me, I look at Clarke, shaking my head to confirm her threory. "Please don't let him die."

"Seizures aren't normal after surgeries like this, something else is up." I tell Clarke. "Is it possible he was poisoned or got sepsis?" I ask. She looks at me with a smile on her face.

"I told you that brain of yours would be handy one day." She says to me. "Quick, help me get him on his side." I do as she asks me to, Raven shocked. I ignore my headache, trying to focus through rather blurred vision. "God he's burning up, you were right. He's poisoned."

"But how? You've steralized everything." Raven says through tears. "I watched you do it."

"No, not everything." I tell her, nodding towards the knife. Clarke picks up the knife and climbs up the ladder again. "He'll be fine, we know what it is." I shake my head.

"Malin, are you okay? Jeez you're burning too."

"I'm good." I tell her, holding onto the table to try and stabelize my breathing.

"What is taking so long?" Raven asks. "I'ma take a look, you look out for Finn." I nod, watching as she climbs up the ladder. I feel a weird tingling in my legs and arms. I shake my head again, trying to shake off the feelings. Some time passes before Clarke and Raven come back.

"We got it, Oh my God you look terrible." Raven says.

"I'm fine- I'm--" I fall to the ground, my vision blocking out. The last thing I hear is Raven's scream for help.


I wake up slowly, seeing Clarke look down at me with a serious expression on her face. I groan, the pain hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"You know, next time you feel terrible, tell me. You have a small concussion, you should rest." I smile at her, trying to think of an excuse.

"I just wanted to help Finn."

"He's all right, and so are you but you gotta stay in bed for a couple more days." I nod softly, watching her leave.

"I can't with you." Monty says, I groan again, hiding my face behind my hands.

"You should really stop getting yourself in these situations." Jasper adds, looking down at me.

"I will try, starting tomorrow." I reply.

Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now