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I walk through the hallways of the Ark, just finished weapon training. I enter me and my dad's shared room and see him already sit there. I smile and kiss his cheek before taking a book and sitting down in front of him.

"How was training?" He asks, looking up from whatever he was writing down. Probably his work, my dad is one of the best mechanics on this floating Hell, he always brings his work home.

"Good, I might become a guard sooner than expected." I reply. Sure, I have the brains my father has as well but I've never really been interested in mechanics and engineering as much as he is, I'm interested in shoot trainings and creating order. I would love to become a guard.

"I'm glad." He smiles but I see right through him, he has been struggling with something for weeks now and it's not helping my curiosity. I put down my book on the table and frown at him.

"Something's up, tell me." He shakes his head. "Dad, please. What's gotten into you?" He seems to think, hesitate even. I raise my brow, getting a little concerned. "Dad?" I ask softly.

"Okay, but you have to promise me not to tell anyone else." I nod. "Promise me, Malin. This is important."

"Yes, I promise I won't tell anyone." I reply, putting my hand over my chest where my heart is just for the dramatic effect.

"The Ark is struggling with oxygen, we might be alive for only another 6 months before everyone will be out." I blink, the smile on my face faded.

"What? But you will fix it, right? You always do." He shakes his head.

"Not this time, Malin. It's not just a mistake, the oxygen is failing." I sit back, looking down at the table and staring at it.

"What does that mean for us? How are we gonna go through this?" My dad leans forward a little, resting his folded hands onto the table.

"We might've found an alternative but you're not exactly gonna like it." I frown while shaking my head, silently asking him what it is. "Just, don't do something stupid, know that this is our only option and we can't risk anyone else."

"Stop beating around the bush, what is it." I reply, wanting to know it desperately.

"We're gonna send the 98 delinquents from the Sky Box to Earth." My eyes widen and my heartbeat picks up the pace.

"When?" I ask simply.

"In a month or two." I shake my head, remembering how Monty and Jasper are there, how my best friends have been locked up a couple months ago.

"No, why are they allowing this? Earth is not safe! They're gonna die, my friends are gonna die!" I scream at him, getting up from my seat.

"Malin, sit down please." I shake my head, opening the door of our room and walking out. "Malin!" I hear my dad scream but I have started to run. I have no idea to where but I'm getting away from him, just for a while maybe.

I get stopped by someone. I look up into the brown eyes of one of my other close friends. Wells Jaha. He takes my underarms in his hands and makes me look at him.

"Malin? Are you okay?" I shake my head, hearing my dad scream my name and catch up. I quickly pull Wells into one of the rooms of the Ark, closing the door immediately. "Malin?"

"The Ark is dying?" I whisper-scream. Wells stops for a moment, looking me up and down and eventually nodding. "Wells, I need to get arrested." He blinks as he looks down at me.

"Are you out of your mind?" He asks, his voice raising a little.

"I have to."

"Why?" I stop, he doesn't know yet. If he knows he'll want to get arrested too, Clarke is in there. He can't know.

"I can't tell you." He scoffs. "Wells believe me, is there something simple I can do to end up in the Sky Box?" He crosses his arms over his chest.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Malin?"

"Just trust me, okay?" He hesitates, looking at me while I pull my best puppy-dog eyes. He sighs.

"Fine, you could insult a guard." I smile at him, hugging him tightly. "Just don't do something that'll get you killed when you're eighteen, yeah?"

"Of course. Thank you, Wells." He nods, I leave the room, walking straight to the Sky Box. I have to get arrested, I have to be with Monty and Jasper whenever they go to Earth, if they die, I die.

"Malin Sinclair for Jasper Jordan and Monty Green." I tell the two guards in front of the double doors of the Sky Box. They look at me and shake their heads.

"You can't Malin, you've already visited this month." Here goes nothing.

"Henry, just let me pass. I'll be quick." I walk to the doors but get stopped by the two guards, glaring down at me.

"No is no Sinclair, go back." I start struggling, pushing them out of my way and making my way to the door, Henry picks me up, I kick against his hold, squirming and trying to get free.

"Let me see my friends you fucking idiots!" I scream, setting the perfect scene. The other guard whom I don't know the name of calls for Kane and his men. "Henry you stupid bastard, let me go."

"Miss Sinclair," The voice of Jaha sounds. I look up and see him, Kane and Abby stand in front of me. "Insulting a guard, are we?"

"Tell those motherfuckers to let me see my friends, or I'm gonna tell everyone about the little secret I heard. Engineers can't safe us no more-"

"Enough Malin, you want to get into the Sky Box so badly? You're lucky, how does solitary sound?" I hide my smirk at Kane's question.

"You can't lock me up for knowing something, it wasn't my fault I heard you talk." I reply. "If only it's your fault."

"Malin, we can lock you up for threatening us and insulting a guard." Abby replies. "And that after almost becoming one." She sounds disappointed.

"Lock her up." Kane tells Henry. I can just look to the other side of the hallway and see my dad standing there, staring at us. I mouth a quick, I'm sorry, before getting pulled inside.

Hopefully Earth won't kill me.

Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now