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When Clarke and Wells leave the dropship as well, she grabs my hand and drags me along with them. We arrive to where Bellamy is cleaning Octavia's wound, we can here just the last bit of their conversation.

"You could've been killed."

"She would've been if Jasper didn't pull her out." Clarke replies, stopping. I frown, is she really thinking that Bellamy out of all people would help? She lets go of my hand.

"You guys leaving? I'm coming too." Octavia says but Bellamy stops her.

"No, no. No way, not again."

"He's right. Your leg's just gonna slow us down." Clarke adds, now looking at Bellamy who stands up. "I'm here for you."

"Clarke what are you doing?" Wells asks her, Bellamy looks at us.

"I hear you have another gun." He lifts his shirt a little and shows it in his pocket. "Good. Follow me."

"Why? Don't you have a gun already?" Bellamy asks, pointing at me.

"Yes, but two is better than one." I tell him.

"Okay, but why would I follow you?"

"Because you want them to follow you." Clarke tells him, turning to face Bellamy. "And right now, they're thinking only one of us is scared."

"Who will protect camp if both guns are out?" He tries again.

"Oh Bellamy." I say, a grin on my face. "You said it yourself, we are survivors, stronger than you think. Surely they wouldn't need the guns if you were right." He sighs and follows us, telling John to come along as well. I high five Wells, smiling as we start our adventure.

Somehow I walk behind Clarke and Wells, but in front of Bellamy and John. I don't want to come in between Clarke and Wells, we used to be what Jasper, Monty and I are now, but that changed after Clarke's dad got floated.

"Since when are we in the rescuing business?" John asks behind me.

"The Ark thinks the prince is dead. Once they think the princess is too, they'll never come down." Bellamy replies. I turn to face them.

"Why are you so obsessed about the Ark not coming down?" He scoffs, ignoring me.

"I'm getting that wristband, even if I have to cut off her hand to do it." I roll my eyes at Bellamy's remark, keeping on walking.

"My question is, why are you jumping to save this guy?" John asks me. I sigh, not facing him.

"When Octavia jumped into the water and she got attacked by some riversnake, Jasper jumped in to save her without hesitation, knowing he could've died. So why would I hesitate to save him?" I ask back, smiling when I hear Bellamy groan softly.

"Hey, hold up!" Bellamy suddenly says as we ravage through the bushes. "What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart."

"Put the gun away, Bellamy." Wells comments, seeing he took it out. I rest my hand on mine, ready to take it out if I have to.

"Why don't you do something about it?" John asks Wells.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him." I cringe at the memory. "If the spear stuck his heart, he'd have died instantly. Doesn't mean we have time to waste."

"As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go." Bellamy tells her, grabbing Clarke's hand. I point the gun towards him, smiling.

"Let go of the hand Bellamy, I'm not afraid to shoot." He glares at me, I was totally bluffing, I am afraid to shoot. I'm no killer.

"The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead is when I'm dead. Got it?" Clarke remarks, pulling her hand away.

"Brave princess." Bellamy replies, stepping forward. I lower the gun, looking at the two of them.

"Why don't you find your own nickname?" Finn asks, walking up to us. "You call this a rescue party? Gotta split up, cover more ground. Clarke, come with me."

I look at them, following with the rest of us. I put my gun back in my pocket, watching out for both Bellamy and John cause it looks like they wanna take it away from me.


After walking for a while, we are somewhat split up. Clarke and Finn walk further ahead, on top of a hill while the other four of us stroll behind them.

"Guess we got more in common than meets the eye, huh?" Bellamy asks, looking at Wells.

"We have nothing in common."

"No?" Bellamy asks. "Both came down here to protect someone we love. Your secret's safe with me. Of course, for you, it's worse. With Finn around, Clarke doesn't even see you. It's like your not even here."

"Good thing I came down for Malin too." I smile at him, my feet slip on the ground and almost fall but someone grabs my upper arm and keeps me from hitting the ground. I look up, seeing John stare at me.

"Watch out where you walk."

"I-" I pause, looking at him. "Thank you." He shrugs it off, continuing his walk. I run up to him, put my hand on his shoulder and make him look at me. "Really, thanks."

"Aren't you too clumsy to keep a gun?" He asks, I can see a small hint of a smile on his face and shake my head.

"I'm not clumsy at all." I keep walking, quickly following after Clarke and Finn.

"No?" John asks, walking up next to me. "I should let you fall next time then."

"There won't be a next ti-" He pushes me, I fall to the ground and look up at him, glaring.

"See, you're damn clumsy." I get up and brush off the dirt of my clothes.

"Come here you little rat!" I say through gritted teeth, running after John who dodges me very well not gonna lie. I soon push him too though, making him stumble but not fall. "Ha!"

"What? You didn't even get close to getting me on the ground."

"Maybe I wasn't trying." I reply, smiling at him and continuing to walk. The forest is undeniably beautiful and I'm very happy I got to come with because sitting in the dropship all day long trying to find a way to contact the Ark would get me going crazy, poor Monty.

Promise me - Jasper JordanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin