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Finn, Clarke and Wells had gone outside after the whole Bellamy thing. I stayed behind with Monty and Octavia for a moment.

"You know, that was really cool." I frown in confusion at Monty. "How you flipped him off." I smile and nod, suddenly feeling somewhat embarassed.

"Everyone must think I'm a stubborn bitch, huh?"

"Not at all, I'm glad someone else stood up against my brother for once." Octavia replies. Suddenly John comes up on the ladder and looks at me. I'm probably the only one who uses his first name at this point.

"Yo Malin, Bellamy asked me to get you. You're on guard." I scoff, looking at him.

"And he couldn't come and get me himself?" I ask, a hint of a smile in my voice. John shurgs. Monty and Octavia nod, telling me silently I can go. "All right, I'll be there." John disappears back down. "Tell me whenever something happens."

"We will, and be careful." Monty says, I nod and get downstairs too. It has been way too long since I've been outside when the sun shone. I take the gun I've been holding onto out of my pocket and stop at the wall, making sure I can look over it perfectly.

A sudden pat on my shoulder makes me jump slightly. I look behind me and see Clarke, Wells and Finn. I smile at them.

"We're going to get seaweed." Clarke says.


"It's what the Grounders used for Jasper's wound, we think it might be what will save his life." Wells tells me. I smile.

"Of course, mister Earth skills. Should I come?"

"No, you keep an eye out on Jasper, I don't trust Bellamy." I nod, waving at her as she leaves camp with the two boys. Jasper is gonna make it.

Another group soon leaves to go hunting, I stare at John who is keeping guard not far away from me. He walks up to me and stands on my side. Jasper screams again, a shiver running up my spine.

"That kid is driving me crazy." He comments, I sigh not wanting to talk about Jasper now.

"He's gonna make it, he's everything to me." I reply. John nods, keeping his hands in his pockets.

"Okay, one question, how do you even know how to shoot a gun?"

"I was a guard-in-training." I reply, not sure if I even want to talk to him, he's giving me mixed feelings and it's confusing.

"Well, I've seen you shoot that puma, you're good." I smile softly, slowly maybe warming up to him.

"Good for me I killed it or Bellamy would've been a goner." I reply, remembering how he didn't even thank me.

"Bellamy is scared of you." I turn my head to look at John, seeing him nod. "I have not seen him avoid someone as much as he's been avoiding you today."

"Good, I hate him. He should be scared of me." John smiles, turning to face me too.

"Are you scared?"

"Of him? No." I pause, looking back ahead of me. "Of Jasper dying, yes."

"You said it yourself, he's gonna make it." I smile at him.

"Do you say that because you believe it or to assure me?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I say it because I wanted to say it." He looks at my face. "You're not half as bad as most people in this camp, you know that, right?" I laugh.

"Is that so? Well, you're not as bad as people say you are, John." He does a quick dubble take, making me look at him. "What?"

"Most people call me Murphy. It's weird to have someone adress me by my first name."

"Do you want me to call you Murphy?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"I like it when you say John." I chuckle, scanning the area around camp for a moment. I squint my eyes and look in the distance, a weird looking yellow fog is making it's way towards us.

"We need to evacuate everyone inside." I tell John, running back to the others. "Everyone! Don't panic! Retreat to the dropship immediately!" I yell, watching everyone drop everything to get inside. I start running the oposite way.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" John asks me, holding onto my arm.

"Checking if anyone else is out there." He shakes his head, covering his nose with his shirt and so do I.

"No, we need to get inside, right now." After looking around one last time, my skin starts burning, I make it inside, the door closes and people close the windows. I climb up to the highest level, meeting Monty and Octavia as I cough and sit down next to them.

"Hey, are you okay?" Monty asks, putting his hand on my arm, I flinch and pull away. He frowns.

"Sorry, it's the burn, damn that shit hurts." He strolls up my sleeve and sees the irritated burn marks.

"You need help."

"I'll be fine." I tell him, leaning my back against the wall. "I'm just gonna have to deal with it." He nods, letting me chill.


Monty had gone downstairs to get some water while Octavia and I tried to calm Jasper down. He moaned a lot from the pain and it made both our hearts shatter. The soft talking to him what Octavia tries doesn't seem to work either. Monty is suddenly coming up the ladder.

"Miller's gonna kill Jasper." I look at Octavia and get up, watching as Monty shuts the shutter close. "The lock's on the other side!" We jump up, I try to keep the shutter down with Monty, watching as Octavia rips off a metal bar from the side. "No rush, we'll be fine."

"I got it." Octavia screams, pushing the metal bar underneath the handles of the shutter, locking it in place.

"Open up this hatch right now!" Miller screams, as we all breathe heavily. I look at the other two, smiling at our small victory.

"Miller!" I recognize John's voice come from downstairs. "Leave the boy." I smile, looking over at Jasper.

"I hope Clarke, Finn and Wells soon come back with that stupid sea weed." Monty and Octavia frown at me.

"Their what?" I realized they didn't tell them and nod.

"Clarke said they found out what the Grounders used to heal the wound. They left a long while ago, trying to find it."

"So, that means he is going to make it." Octavia sighs happily.

"If they made it through the burning fog, that is." I reply, resting against the wall and looking down at Jasper.

Promise me - Jasper JordanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora