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I walk through the Ark to the cafeteria. I usually sit with Clarke and Wells but now that she has been arrested only four days ago, Wells doesn't really talk to me. He's probably despressed which I completely understand. I take the food they hand me and sit down alone.

"Hello." I look up, seeing the boy my father was talking to yesterday in front of me. "Are you alone?" I nod. "Can I?"

"Sure." Monty smiles, looking over me and waving someone else over too. Another boy sits down next to me, he's wearing weird goggles on his forehead and has a big smile on his face.

"I'm Monty by the way and that is my best friend, Jasper. You're Malin, right?" My dad's student says as he sits down in front of me. I nod. "Jasper is like my brother."

"Why are you sitting all alone?" Jasper asks. I shrug, looking down at my plate. I see out of the corners of my eye that Jasper and Monty share a confused look. "You don't really talk much, do you?" Jasper strokes my cheek for a moment. I smile unconciously. "You're cute." I blush.

"How come we've never met until yesterday? If you're in engineering than we should've seen each other more often, right?" Monty asks.

"I'm training for guard, not for engineering." The two boys look at me.

"Would you look at that, she can talk." Jasper says.


My thoughts come running back slowly, the memories from what just happened returning to my brain. I hear sobs next to me, but my eyes seem glued shut. My body is stiff, everything hurts. I'm alive though.

"Please wake up, Malin. Please!" Monty. I flutter my eyes open, my vision still blurred. I open my mouth but no sound is coming out as I try to speak. I blink a couple of times, trying to get my vision back.

"Monty." Jasper's voice sounds. I feel two hands on my cheeks and with one last blink, the blur is gone. Monty is now clear in my vision as he looks down at me, tear stained eyes.

"M-Monty?" I surprise myself at the sound of my voice. He pulls me up and hugs me, his arms wrapping around my body tightly.

"I thought you had died, oh my God!" He breathes out. I look up, too weak to lift my arms. I see Jasper smiling down at me. He had cried too, tear stains on his cheeks too.

"You scared us, Malin." Jasper says. I cough, Monty letting go of me. Octavia hugs me from behind, her hand brushing my neck and I flinch. The three of them cringe as it happens.

"I'm sorry." Octavia apologizes.

"Ho-" cough. "How long was I out?" My voice is almost gone but they hear me.

"A couple of minutes, they're deciding on what to do with Charlotte." Monty admits, stroking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I say float that kid." I cough again, Octavia holding me up.

"You don't mean that." Jasper says, squatting down next to me now too. I look at him, my eyes showing nothing but bloodshot.

"That little bitch could've prevented this." I tell him. Octavia gets up and pulls on my arm, helping me too.

"Come on, we'll see how they're doing." I almost lose balance, Monty and Jasper wrapping their arms around me to keep me up.

"You go, we'll follow closely." Octavia nods, walking towards the group. Jasper looks at me, seeing the wounds that have appeared from the brutal ways they lifted me up on that robe. "I really tried to stop them." He says. I nod, remembering how he tried to push his way forward. I pat his chest, trying to walk down too. The two boys help me.

We arrive, I look absolutely pathetic but it seems as if we are too late, Bellamy standing in front of us. I look away not even wanting to see his face. I hear John's screams in the distance, I struggle to stay up.

"You need to rest, come on." Monty says. We walk towards the tents, my body almost giving out.

"I'm sorry for letting this happen. We should've said something, believed you when you said it wasn't Murphy." Jasper says. I shake my head.

"You would've been hang up too." I reply, arriving in what seems like their tent. I get laid down. "This isn't-"

"It's ours, we're best friends." Monty says, feeling my forehead with the back of his hand. I smile softly up at him. "I'm so sorry." He whispers.

"It's all right, I'm alive."

"Barely." Jasper adds, squatting down next to me. I manage a weak smile.

"Hear who says that. A couple days ago you were doing worse than me now." He nods.

"And you took care of me then too, so let me do the same now." I nod, closing my eyes. I slowly drift back to sleep.


Everyone is looking at me, the boxes replaced underneath my feet. I squirm against the robes around both my hands and feet. This time when I look to my side, there is no John. I look at everyone, no one does anything to stop this from happening.

As I look further in the crowd, I can see my parents. My eyes squint for a moment, watching them just stare at me. A smile slowly creeps up on their faces. Tears rolling down my eyes again, I shake my head, trying to scream but no sound comes out. The boxes get kicked.

I shoot awake, sweat forming on my forehead. I try to catch my breath, Monty immediately next to me with a wet cloth. I panic, looking around. His tent, a nightmare. I calm down by his touch on my shoulder.

"Nightmare?" He asks, I nod softly, looking down. He takes my head, putting his hand against it so I rest against his chest. His heartbeat is fast as well, he must've been nervous for me.

"Damn, she screamed louder than I thought she could with that voice." Jasper comments. My eyes widen as I pull away from Monty and look at him.

"I screamed?" My voice is still hoarse, just a lot less than it was. It's still dark outside, rain drops hitting the tent. It must still be night.

"Yeah, but it's okay. Don't worry." Jasper smiles softly. He wants to get up but I reach for his hand, grabbing it.

"Please stay with me, please?" He seems to hesitate for just a moment before nodding and sitting down behind me, placing his legs on either side of my body. I lay my head against his chest, closing my eyes as his arms wrap around my waste. I feel safe, I feel safe around them.

Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now