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I slowly wake up, the pain in my body less than it was. My eyes scan the tent, nobody. I sit up, hating this feeling, everything is so stiff. Monty and Jasper must've gotten away. I get up slowly, feeling a pain shot in my leg. I hiss at the feeling.

Where is everyone? I walk outside the tent, on my way to find either Monty or Jasper or both. There are people everywhere, that's a good sign. I stroll through camp, feeling as if I can collapse with every step. People avoid my gaze, realizing what they have done.

I soon see who I was looking for, Monty. He's sitting on the graveyard, his knees pulled up to his chest and it looks like he had just cried. I stumble over, watching his eyes widen when he sees me. I sit down next to him, relieved that I made it here.

"What are you doing? You should rest." I shake my head, looking at him.

"Why were you crying." I cringe at hearing my own voice. He looks away, fixating his eyes on the graves. This has nothing to do with what happened yesterday, this is something else. "Monty?"

"Look at your damn wristband." I do as he says, looking down to see that the blue light that originally came out of it has disappeared. "I fried them, Malin." He says. "I fried all the wristbands." I shake my head, tapping the metal.

"Wait, how? That's impossible, right?" I look back up at him and see that he's shaking a little.

"I tried contacting the Ark, something went wrong and now all those stupid wristbands are done for, they're useless." I sigh, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"This is not your fault, you did your best." He pushes my hand away, resting his forehead against his knees.

"I'm sorry." He says, I can hear the sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry that you got hanged, I'm sorry that you look like this and I'm sorry you're father thinks your dead." I didn't even think of all that. After what happened yesterday, my stats must've been terrible, of course they're gonna think I died.

"Right." I say. "That happened, all of it is in the past now." I add, he looks up and turns to face me. "But feeling terrible won't help us, it won't change anything. Being mad at yourself is not gonna restart those wristbands. Crying won't bring back the dead."

"What happened to you?" I shrug.

"Reality." I sigh. "I almost died yesterday, and I'm happy I'm still alive of course but we shouldn't dread on emotions that won't help us." He nods softly. "Whatever happened, happened. We can't turn back time and life goes on."

"How are you not mad at me?" Monty asks, a small hint of a smile on his face.

"Because you did everything in your power to help, the ones I'm really mad at are in there." I reply, nodding back to camp. "It's a wonder John has left them all alive." I laugh.

"Malin, Murphy was banned." My laugh drops, I look at Monty to see his apologetic facial expression.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask in disbelief. "Why?"

"Charlotte is dead so, Bellamy banished Murphy. He won't come back." I scoff, staring at the graves for a moment. "He went crazy, Murphy wanted Charlotte dead."

"I understand him." I reply. "So, it's totally fine to hang us up for nothing but when the real killer comes forward it's okay because she's a kid? That's it, right?"

"Murphy said that too." Monty admits.

"A killer is a killer, twelve years old is old enough to know that you don't just kill people." I say. "Where is that moron?" I ask, getting up from the ground. Monty follows me back to camp quickly.

"Malin, please don't." Monty tells me, stopping me from entering Bellamy's tent. "He's gonna banish you too."

"Yes, cause that's what he does with everyone that doesn't agree with him, Goddamnit!" I scream the last word, not bothering to enter the tent anymore. "We didn't do anything wrong." I say. A slight panic attack taking over me.

Monty hugs me, rubbing up and down my back. I calm down, my breathing slowly going back to normal. I rest my head on his shoulder, putting all my thoughts back together and nod, pulling away.

"Jasper." Monty suddenly says, I frown. "Octavia kissed him, he felt terrible about this." I smile, they kissed. They kissed. My smile drops as does my heart, never thought I would find that so terrible. "Come on, we'll see them."

Monty and I walk back to the dropship, he tells me to climb up first, making sure I would make it as I'm still not really 100 percent okay. I climb to the top, seeing Jasper sit with his back against the wall and he smiles at me.

"Malin!" Jasper says happily. "Are you okay?" I nod, sitting down as Monty climbs up as well. "Monty, are you?"

"Yes, after a talk with Malin everyone would feel better." I smile softly.

"I heard you and Octavia kissed." I say, Jasper nods, a big grin on his face. "Congrats on finally getting a girl." I'm jealous, that's what the sting in my heart is. Jealous because Octavia kissed my best friend.

"I have game." Jasper admits, happily.


"Malin." I look over, seeing Wells walk up to me. I smile at him as I wait for him to catch up. When he does, we continue walking. "I'm so sorry for not talking to you the past week."

"I understand, you had Clarke in your head." I reply.

"Yeah but you must know something but never tell Clarke, please." I stop, looking at him. He looks desperate. "Promise me you'll never tell her, I just need to talk to someone about this."

"I promise, yeah." I reply. "What is it?"

"I didn't tell my dad that they wanted to go public. I'm not a traitor." I frown at him.

"Then who did?" I ask, not entirely sure where he's going with this.

"Her mom." My eyes widen. "Before you say anything just know that I won't let her hate her own mother. I can't let her hate her."


"No Malin, you promised." I look down, realizing there is no other way. I nod. "Thank you." I smile softly, entering the training room for guard-students.


Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now