Another from their earlobe to his collarbone. Then little ones all around but I could only imagine the others I couldn't see.

They looked to be about my age, god they were probably only my age.

How did they get mixed into all this?

I moved closer to them and they hugged their knees to their chest.

I put my hands out to show I wasn't a threat, "Hi."

No response, only their cold eyes staring back at me.

"You have a name?"

No response again.

"That's okay, I'm- G. You can call me G."

Nothing. They weren't talking so I figured I would sign the letter G and pointed to myself. I was taught sign language and a bunch of other languages at an early age, sign language was the only one that truly stuck in my head.

I also got no response from that.

"Can you nod if you can hear me?"

I got a small nod out of them. I looked around the confined room and found paper and pens. I handed them the paper and they slowly took them out of my hands.

They wrote quietly and handed back the paper, it read Elliot.

"Your name is Elliot?"

They nodded and he took the paper and pen back, and wrote his pronouns down. For being mute at least he was aware of those things.

"Are you in danger?"

Elliot only nodded, not needing to waste the paper on an answer like that.

"I have people here who can help you but you have to work with me okay? I need you to tell me why you are here and how you got here."

Elliot took the pen and paper out of my hands, his hands were shaking and I sat beside him. I could tell he hadn't written in a while as his handwriting looked shaky.

He handed back the paper and he didn't write it all down only in fragments.

'Kidnapped. Experimented on. Turned into an alien. Used as a fighter for money.'

Jesus this whole thing got so much more complicated as how many more of them are out there like Elliot.

How could they turn people into aliens?

"Were you human before?"

He nodded.

"How did they do it?"

He wrote down on the paper, 'Long story.'

"How long have you been here?"

He wrote down 'Too long'.

"We have to fight each other, you know. After that you can go home. We can get you home."

For the first time while talking to Elliot his eyes lit up when I said home.

"Come on you two it's time to get to the arena," A guard opened the door where we were sitting close by. Elliot hopped up like it was routine and he towered over me as I began to stand.

I want to know what they pumped into him or did to him. He slipped his shirt off and threw it into the arena. More scars were shown when his shirt was off, when I thought Marshall was perfectly sculpted I was wrong. Elliot was. Scars lined the definitions of his abdomen.

Once beeping started to go off people started hollering and I saw Landon and Victoria in the crowd. I gave one small nod for them to understand that after this we needed to end this.

Unspoken Legacy (Unspoken Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now