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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

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AINSLEY busied herself in front of John's legs, the two were told to stand watch outside of the rocket, just in case Raven needed them. Ainsley couldn't help but feel guilty that the chip had caused Raven to have seizures, because of the EMP to destroy it. The dark headed girl hummed quietly to herself as she watched John control some type of drone, which whizzed around on the floor like it was a rover or something. Ainsley heard noise over the headset, the test flight Raven was running failed yet again.

“Way to go, Raven,” Murphy said through the headset. “Nuclear death wave 42 and mankind zero.”

“You wanna get in here and try it?” Came Raven's frustrated response, not that Ainsley could blame her. She's been at it for hours and still has yet to make much progress. Ainsley shot John a look, but she still had an amused smile on her face.

“Nah,” John said, smirking over at Ainsley. “Kinda busy, actually. And actually I wouldn't want to be responsible for everyone in the world dying, so.”

“Gross. Make out with Ainsley on your own time,” Raven said, causing the girl to let out a ‘hey!’ “Besides, Abby said you had to watch. Nobody said you had to weigh in.”

“That's John for you, always going up and beyond the call of duty,” Ainsley sing-songed cheekily with a smile, winking at John.

“Speaking of,” John spoke to try and give actual helpful advice. “You keep starting with your fuel gage at 75%. Maybe thats your problem.”

“Pay attention,” Raven said, and even Ainsley could hear the frustration in her voice. “ten barrels of Hydrazine is all we had left at Arkadia. If there were more I wouldn't have a problem landing. Oh, damn it!” Raven's voice changed to one of angry pain, the groans she was giving off in there had Ainsley alarmed.

“Raven... you okay?” Ainsley questions in concern.

“I'm fine. Shut up,” Raven responded, her breath heavy.

It was silent in the lab for a few minutes, before John asked if Raven wanted him to get Abby, before Raven immediately told them no. Ainsley doubted that Raven would ever tell them to get Abby, it was clear to see that the tanned-skinned girl hid pain behind a facade. It was so easy to see, because she did the same exact thing.

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ITS been hours standing in the same exact spot while Raven still tries to ‘land’ the rocket. John was currently throwing a ball towards the wall, catching it every time it bounces back to him. Ainsley was busy whistling obnoxiously. She was getting tired and bored from the days events, which led to the whistling. The automated voice from the rocket informed her of Raven's failure way before she heard Raven scream in frustration and anger.

“Jeez,” John muttered with a shake of his head, tossing the ball harder against the wall. “All work and no play makes Raven a dull girl.”

Ainsley continued with her whistling, just as the door to the rocket opened. Ainsley's eyes snapped towards John and Raven mid whistle, as Raven shoved John backwards away from her.

“I've had enough of your little jokes!” Raven snarled, pushing past him which only made John tell her to take it easy. Her head snapped back to meet his in a glare. She marched towards him, venom dripping from each and every word. “You're just a self-loathing, bottomfeeder, Abby's an idiot for trusting you and your little psycho over there,” she spat. “She doesn't know you or her like I do. You two are leeches, Murphy,” she let out a humorless laugh. “Sucking people dry. And taking whatever you can so that way you can survive.”

“At least I'm not a mental patient like you, Raven,” John muttered, pushing past her to walk towards Ainsley, but something snapped inside of Raven. She balled up her fists and began hitting John, screaming that she hated him.

Ainsley growled lowly in her throat, moving to shove Raven backwards. “Back off, Raven.” She warned, trying to hold herself back. Raven turned her attention on Ainsley, punching her straight across the face, which sent her reeling back in shock. Ainsley held herself together, because she knew who's side the people would be on if she were to let herself hurt Raven.

Besides, some part of her knew that it wasn't Raven. The anger.. the pain. It wasn't Raven. Luna came running down the steps, pulling Raven away from them and held the girl down on the floor in a calming manner. Raven kept screaming for Luna to get off of her, John stood protectively in front of Ainsley, though the girl didn't need it.

"Should I go get Abby?" John asked Luna, but Luna told him no. She kept whispering for Raven to listen to her voice.

“Ai giv ai op... Gon nemiyon... Kom lanik-de...” luna whispered soothingly towards Raven. (I give myself.... to the miracle... of the sea.) The two of them repeated the words, raven taking deep breaths to calm down.

Another short chapter, but season four starts off really slow lol, hopefully you stick with me, because I have major plans for season 5!

Another short chapter, but season four starts off really slow lol, hopefully you stick with me, because I have major plans for season 5!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Wrong season but have a gif!

PSYCHO - JOHN MURPHYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ