31. Promised land.

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THE MINEFIELD HAD LED THEM TO A SOLAR PANELED CLEARING. It had been as disappointing as Jaha's beard, If Ainsley could pinpoint the feeling. However, before she'd lost all hope, a drone appeared out of nowhere and led them towards a boat. Water as vast and deep as her skepticism. 

How did the drone know where they were? 

The question plagues Ainsley's mind, no matter how innocently the entire boat ride began. Richards and Craig had the unfortunate ‘pleasure’ of rowing the boat, and no surprise there had been plenty of complaining. It was honestly a little ridiculous. You'd think these were literal school children instead of well established adults. And that's coming from someone who didn't even know proper social cues after being locked up for years. 

It wasn't until they saw the island that things began to go wrong. 

A strong force slams into the side of the boat, knocking Richards’ oar off into the water. Richards tried grabbing for it, but another slam sent Richards thrashing into the waters depths. Ainsley and John leapt for the side of the boat to try and lift him back up, but it's too late. A horrifying creature rose to the surface, opening its giant maw, grasping Richards’ body within it, and dragging him underneath the murky water.

Richards had John in a death grip, nearly pulling John overboard if it hadn't been for Ainsley. She pulled with all her might as fear threatened to send her teetering over the edge; panting as she finally slung him backwards into the boat. Meanwhile Craig had started having a sort've mental breakdown. Can't really blame the guy, if Ainsley's honest. It's been one hell of a day. They'd tried to reason with Jaha, explaining that it really isn't a big deal, she and John can row. 

However, Jaha does the unbelievable; without a single warning, he tosses Craig overboard, into the creature infested water. 

“What the hell is your problem?” Ainsley hisses in horror, her eyes staring overboard as Craig's screams ceased. “Why the hell did you…” 

“So we can live. And you two can row.”


Ainsley helps John and Jaha push the boat the remaining distance to the beach, panting and desperately trying to catch her breath. John immediately rounds on the former Chancellor; who, if it could be believed, ‘only wanted to help.’ Ainsley calls bullshit. And thankfully John seems to share that exact same sentiment now. 

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