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AINSLEY filled the bathtub full overtop an already naked Ontari. Her eyes never left the grounders, seemingly unblinking with a crazy slow smile spreading across her lips in an effort to intimidate Ontari. It was effective, but not in the ways Ainsley had originally wanted. John faced the window, looking out of it, oblivious to the staredown his girlfriend and Ontari were giving each other.

"How much longer?" Ontari demanded, which caused John to turn around to face her.

"Purification is a process," he stated monotonously.

"And look at all the fun we're having," Ainsley sing-songed, whistling to the tune of 'ring around the rosey' as she went around and around the tub in a loop.

"You two aren't afraid of me," Ontari noted, glancing back and forth between Ainsley and John curiously before she focused her attention solely on Ainsley. "You, I've heard of. Strik Wamplei, the psychotic sky girl who that traitor, Ian, decided to grace you with a nickname of our people."

Ainsley smiled proudly, "It's hard fearing someone who's just like me." Which wasn't technically the truth, but even Ainsley had to admit there were qualities the two of them shared.

“I don't scare easily,” John said in response, his eyes falling on a proud-looking Ainsley. He knew the game she was playing and even though it was dangerous, he couldn't help but find it attractive. “The truth is... I think what you did was smart. A little crazy, maybe, but we do what we have to do to survive, right?”

“You know I plan to wipe out your people?” Ontari questioned them, clearly surprised at the answers she received.

Ainsley chuckled slowly. “So we've heard. Sucks for them, doesn't it, John?”

“Yeah,” John agreed, going along with what he needed to do to ensure him and Ainsley survive. “Sucks for them.”

Someone banged on the door, interrupting their little conversation. Ontari said something in her language, standing up from the tub. John turned away, but Ainsley continued her unblinking stare as the water dripped off of Ontari’s naked body. She slipped into her robe, maintaining eye contact with Ainsley. John looked confused at the display, but he knew Ainsley's true motives, whether or not Ontari did wasn't easy to tell.

Roan entered with two guards, holding Titus hostage. He explained to Ontari that the flamekeeper claimed to have lost the Flame.

“You, where's wanheda?” Roan said, eyes falling on John as he briskly walked and grabbed him shoving him into the wall. “I know she stole the flame. Where is she?”

“Let go of him, now,” Ainsley spoke lowly, stepping towards them.

“Ainsley, don't,” John said, not wanting her to get in the middle of this.

“She didn't steal it,” Titus said, stepping forward which successfully saved Ainsley and John's life. “I gave it to her.”

Roan let go of John, to turn and face Titus. “Where has she taken it? Your mission is to pass the flame. You wouldn't give it to her without another natblida to pass it to.”

“You can't kill him,” John said, moving forward away from the wall, despite Ainsley's sharp glance. “He's the only one who can preform the ritual.”

It looked like it was going to get through to them, but Titus had to egg on the situation. Ontari demanded for Roan to kill him, but Roan had surprisingly agreed with John. Titus moved his own neck, Roan's knife slashing it. Ainsley startled, her eyes focused on the blood dripping down as Titus fell into the full bathtub, choking on his own blood.

Roan and Ontari spoke as if Ainsley and John weren't right there, Roan skeptical over them being present. Surprisingly, Ontari hasn't ordered them to die. Instead, she ordered Roan to announce the ascension and find Clarke. Ainsley's eyes never left Titus' bloody form in the water, she hoped life after death would both treat him well while simultaneously not. He did torture her after all.

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IMMEDIATELY following Roan's departure, Ontari placed John and Ainsley in chains on the wall.. Roan had told her not to let them out of her sight, not that Ainsley could really blame him. She would have killed them both if she would have had the chance.

“We're on the 50th floor,” John muttered incredulously. “Where are we going to go?” he sighed, but Ontari didn't bother giving him answer. “Look, I'm just saying a real commander wouldn't be afraid –”

“I am a real commander!” Ontari yelled, spinning around to look at him and Ainsley.

A series of knocks on the door caught their attention, Ainsley's eyes immediately going towards Ontari who looked as if she didn't know what to do. Ainsley couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled inside her throat, spilling out into the room.

“Oh, that is hilarious,” Ainsley held up her chains as if she were trying to do a mock salute. “The king doesn't think the mighty warrior can handle it, does he?” She shared a look with John, who immediately played along, stepping as far as the chains allowed.

“We,” John gestured back and forth from him and Ainsley. “Thought you were in charge?”

Ontari shouted that she was, before more knocks interrupted the exchange. She finally told whoever was behind the door to enter, revealing the commanders ambassadors.

“Osir ste ogud hashta Tagspiden,” the ambassador spoke in trig. (English: We're ready for the speaking of the names.)

He waited expectantly, but Ontari was too busy staring at Ainsley and John at a loss for words.

“Speken yu daun, Ontari.... Bilaik bida sich hashta yu gyonplei?” (English: respectfully, Ontari, is there a problem with your ascension?”)

Ontari’s hand hovered over her sword, getting ready to pull it out and attack. Ainsley and John both stepped forward as much as their restraints allowed to tell them that Ontari would be there soon. The ambassador questioned why the two of them were in chains, which caused Ainsley to wink at him.

“Haven't you heard? The names little death. I guess I can't be trusted.”

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