10. Something Wicked.

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                           W I C K E D

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"Oh, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie. You're so going to wish you had just told them what they wanted to know."

HER MIND TRIES TO KEEP UP WITH THE HAPHAZARD DETAILS BEING THROWN AT HER. Bellamy sucks at having to explain anything, Ainsley notes, while he's in the process of telling her that the Grounder is responsible both for kidnapping Octavia, and being the reason Finn is stabbed. To be honest, Ainsley can't fault the Grounder. She would have stabbed Finn, too. Ainsley was just about to demand a better explanation, when Clarke blows through the hatch like someone had just squandered her entire dreams, and shoves past Miller with ease. A woman with a mission. 

The storm had broken their connection with the Ark. By the look on Clarke's face, Ainsley can only assume Finn's condition is worsening. Clarke holds a bloody dagger up towards the Grounder, but he doesn't make any move to acknowledge her. Instead, his eyes glare straight ahead like he's been doing for the past hour and a half. 

"What's on this?" Clarke demands, her shrill voice loud and desperate. For once, despite Ainsley really not caring about Finn, she's in no mood to make jokes.

John. John needs me. What am I even doing here?

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy questions, carefully stepping forward, his eyes searching Clarke's for an answer before he moves his gaze towards the captured Grounder. 

"He poisoned the blade. All this time he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did! What is it? Is there an antidote?" 

"Clarke, he doesn't understand you," Octavia says, moving closer to the blonde while her eyes dart towards the Grounder worriedly.

Clarke and Octavia try to reason with the Grounder, but Ainsley's grown bored of the situation. All she can think about is John somewhere out in the wilderness, maybe injured. Maybe blaming her for leaving him out there when she was supposed to be protecting him. It's not funny, but Ainsley can't help but find the humor in it. She had told him, after he made the comment about finding booze, that maybe he wasn't her best chance at survival. Ainsley had meant it jokingly, but as it turns out, she isn't good for his survival.

Ainsley tunes back into the matter at hand, when Bellamy mentions that he could get the Grounder to talk, but Clarke yells for him not to do it. Still on her moral hypothetical high horse, apparently. Not even five minutes later, Clarke caves thanks to Bellamy using Finn's name and condition as a scapegoat to convince her. That makes Ainsley scoff. Which, turns out, to be a very bad idea on her part as it reminds Bellamy that she's here. His eyes turn to hers, pleading, and that's when she realizes what she's here for. He wants her to be the monster. He wants to use her for his own benefit, once again. 

PSYCHO - JOHN MURPHYWhere stories live. Discover now