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IN order to sell the lie that Ontari is commander, John has become her personal flamekeeper, while Ainsley's job was to be her second. John currently had been gone for a bit to bring the ambassador Uzac to them, Ainsley having to stay behind with Ontari to really sell the lie. Ainsley stood, watching Ontari in amusement. Ontari was busy practicing her speech, reminding Ainsley a little too much of how she was seemingly human, even if she had captured them as basically prisoners.

It was fun being a second, though, even if she has yet to actually need to prove that statement. It was nice seeing the intimidated look on people's faces, her behavior unnerved them which only made her do it more.

“Come on, Ontari,” Ainsley groaned. “If I'm to be your second, teach me your language or something. You don't need to practice over and over again, they'll fear you. Just do what I do.”

Ontari whirled around to face Ainsley, her eyes narrowed. Ontari really didn't like how quick Ainsley was to speak to her in such ways when she holds all the power. The power she deserves. Ainsley didn't back down, giving Ontari time to think about ways to get Ainsley to bow down to her. harness Ainsley's behavior to her own advantage, which is why Ontari conceded. Thirty minutes later, John entered the temple, Uzac following close behind.

“Chon na mes ai heimbri op?” Ontari demanded, turning away from Ainsley and towards John. (English: who dares interrupt my prayers?)

“Ambassador Uzac demanded that he see you,” John told her, entering further into the room.

“Yes,” Uzac said, glancing distastefully at John and avoiding looking at Ainsley. “But in the throne room, not here. In this sacred space.” The other ambassadors followed him in, looking around in wonder. “This was his idea. I beg your pardon, Ontari.”

Ainsley stepped forward. “Say her name again, ambassador.”

Heda,” he said, bowing his head slightly at Ontari, Ainsley stepped back once satisfied.

Ontari told him she wasn't going to recite the lineage, that they were all her subjects and will obey her. Uzac wasn't having it, telling her they aren't her subjects yet. Ontari kicked him in the leg, sending him to his knees before jamming her fingers in his eyes. Ainsley watched in amazement as Uzac’s eyes began to bleed, his screams echoing around the temple. Ontari threw him down once satisfied, leaving him whimpering.

“Now you see me.”

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THE next morning, Ainsley walked around the Polis markets, thankfully alone. Ontari let her do as she wishes to keep up appearances on her being her second, although she unfortunately made John walk with her. It was good to walk on her own again without chains or without someone watching her twenty four seven. Honestly, she never thought she'd miss the lighthouse bunker, but she did.

“Now there's a sight for sore eyes,” a familiar voice said in a teasing manner, causing Ainsley's head to snap up to meet the eyes of Emori.

“What the hell are you doing here? She'll kill you if she sees you,” Ainsley hissed, moving to stand in front of the vendor.

“I have been looking for you two ever since you guys were taken,” Emori told her. “Then, I heard rumors of the new heda’s Skaikru flamekeeper and second. I knew it had to be you two. She's one hell of a mark, Ainsley.”

“Its not safe to talk out here,” Ainsley murmured, her eyes glancing around until they fell on an abandoned alleyway. “Meet me over there in two minutes, okay?”

Without waiting for a response, she walked off towards the alleyway, still with a little bit of a limp though her leg was finally beginning to heal. It didn't take Emori long to join her, before the two smiled at each other and pulled together for a hug.

“What happened to you after we were taken?” Ainsley questioned, curious as to what she had been up to in her journey of searching for them.

Emori pulled something out of her pocket, sending alarm bells inside of Ainsley's head. Ainsley gasped and took a step backwards as Emori pulled out a City of Light pill. It was sudden and confusing to Ainsley, but Emori didn't attack her. She simply reached forward and hugged Ainsley tightly, whispering assurances that everything would feel better soon. She forced Ainsley's mouth open, forcing the pill down her throat and didn't move until she was satisfied that she swallowed it.

The change in her was gradual, starting with the fact that she could stand on her leg and feel no pain whatsoever. The next was more subtle, she couldn't remember how it felt to feel anything. It was as if she were a complete and utter robot, acting only as she thought she should. Her smile didn't feel genuine anymore, though she did it more often than she did prior. Allie appeared in front of her, beside of Emori with a mechanical smile.

“Hello, Ainsley,” Allie said. “You have work to do.”

* * *

AFTER being forced to take the pill, Ainsley headed towards the flamekeepers temple. Her job being to find out anything she could about the sacred symbol and the flame. Although, she wasn't expecting John to be there alone. Ainsley snuck up behind him, placing her hand on his eyes in a ‘guess who’ manner. John spun around with a chuckle, pinning her against the wall with his hands on either side of her face.

“Well hello to you too,” John murmured before he kissed her gently.

Ainsley kissed him back, though her eyes were focused on the infinity symbol with the words 'Seek Higher Things'.

"Are you sure we have time for this?” Ainsley muttered against his lips. “Ontari could walk in.”

“Screw Ontari,” John said, pulling her towards him again.

Their lips met once more. They hastened to remove their clothing, scrambling them off quickly before he lifted her up, placing her against the wall and sending kisses down her neck. Ainsley may not remember pain, but she does remember how amazing John Murphy is and how special the moment is, despite Allie demanding she finish this and get to work. She ignored the robotic bitch in the red dress, reveling in this moment. Reveling in John Murphy as the two made love.

I'll admit, I struggled with this chapter a lot aha. I really wanted Ainsley to be chipped, so I had to work around a lot of stuff, make things up to fit how I wanted it to go.

I hope it's not bad.

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