02. Innocent until Proven Guilty.

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IT'S ONLY BEEN LESS THAN AN HOUR ON THE GROUND, AND A FIGHT IS ALREADY BREWING. Ainsley's eyes drift to the side of the dropship. A crowd is forming and angry voices fill her ears, which at this point she's just thankful it doesn't seem to be an angry mob for her. It does leave her curious, though, so without much thought she stands from the platform and heads to find out just what's taking place.

The first thing she hears when she reaches their proximity, is a boy with a permanent scowl etched on his face, and striking blue eyes tauntingly calling Wells the Chancellor of Earth. Ainsley has to force down the laugh that threatens to bubble in her throat, not exactly wanting to call attention to herself just yet. She can't really blame him. It is Wells' father who locked them all up.

"Think that's funny?" Wells asks, unamused.

Ainsley nearly misses it when the guy lunges forward with surprising speed, knocking Wells' feet out from under him, sending him sprawling towards the ground. Excitement buds in her chest at the possibility of a real fight. It only grows as Wells slowly gets to his feet, holding his fists up in front of his face, while the boy circles Wells like a snake circling its prey.

Just as the fight grows closer, various people shout for the boy, Murphy, to get him. Ainsley's nearly jumping up and down with anticipation, but her face falls when another boy drops down from on top of the dropship, landing directly in between Murphy and Wells. The spacewalker, Finn - the one who had caused those two boys to die when they followed him out of their seats - looks at Murphy in an almost condescending manner.

"Kid's got one leg," Finn says. Ainsley rolls her eyes, but Finn continues, "how about you wait 'til it's a fair fight?"

Murphy's hands bawl into fists down by his sides, looking as if he'd ignore whatever bullshit Finn said, but he decides against it. Ainsley assumes he came to the conclusion that if he did, than more than likely the rest of the delinquents would think he's just petty. He wouldn't gain the crowd's favor if he did, but that doesn't mean Ainsley would waste the opportunity to say something. Just as Murphy begins to push through the crowd to get away, she scoffs loud enough to stop him in his tracks.

"Oh, come on! Am I seriously the only one who wanted to see that fight?" She pouts mockingly, her eyes trained on Wells.

She has always liked escalating things. It used to get her in so much trouble with the guards. The crowd erupts, some shouts more angry than others, but the end result is the same; they're scared of her.

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