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"Now you're gonna lock us up?!" John screamed, he tugged on his wrists to try and break free of the cuffs to no avail. "What, she was just trying to save Emori and herself! Well, we're not gonna touch your stupid machine! Please, Clarke!" John begged, but she didn't listen. "You can't do this to us. Raven, please," he pleaded. "You can't let them do this to us!" The door closed on his last plea for them to listen, leaving John, Ainsley and Emori handcuffed to the rocket.

They spent hours chained to the rocket, John never once giving up on trying to break free of the cuffs, he's even taken to biting at them. Emori was no better, she tugged at her restraints, feeling guilty that Ainsley was in this mess because of her. It was strange, Ainsley just sat there watching the two completely resigned. She couldn't feel the betrayal like they could, because to her, she knew they hated her. Ainsley knew she never would have fit in with them, and if killing her somehow saves John and Emori, then she would do it over again in a heartbeat. It did pain her to see the broken expression on John's face, and even more his desperation.

"John, Em, stop," Ainsley murmured, shaking her head. "You can't stop this. You have to let me go."

"No," John shook his head desperately. "No. I am not going to let you die, Ainsley. They will not get away with this," he promised.

"John's right. We can't let them do this," Emori shook her head, still trying to break free from her own restraints. Ainsley would have smiled if it weren't for the circumstances they were in.

Ainsley felt like the world was unfair. She finally found her family, her home, and now she was going to die. "Listen to me, John," Ainsley demanded, her voice cracking only slightly. She needed to be strong for him. "You both need to make them think you're okay with this. You need to convince Clarke you're still with her -"

"Ainsley, no. I'll kill her if she even thinks about hurting you," John interrupted her, looking at her with sad eyes. Emori stayed quiet, knowing if the shoe was on the other foot, she would do the exact same thing. Ainsley shook her head, tears threatening to fall but she knew without a doubt that John needed to survive even if she had to die.

"Goddammit, John," Ainsley choked out a sob, the fight within herself giving up. "You don't understand," she gasped, trying to get the words she desperately wanted to say out, but the words wouldn't come. Instead, her teary eyes bore into his. "Don't give them a reason to pick you or Emori next. You two need to survive this. You, John, are a survivor. Siding with them is a survivors move. I-" her next words got lost in her throat as the doors swung open. Roan and Clarke stepping into the room, as John and Emori stood up. Ainsley continued sitting, waiting.

"Clarke, listen to me-"

"John -"

"It's time," Clarke said, her tone remorseful. "It'll work this time." She continued and Emori demanded to know why they couldn't just go with that then, but Ainsley wasn't about to beg for her own life. Ainsley continued to sit there, until Miller jammed something into the side of her neck. Ainsley's vision blurred as Miller grabbed her bridal style, starting to carry her out of the room. She fought hard to stay conscious, to try and tell John to stop before he gets himself killed, but she couldn't speak. Her vision continued to darken.

"Who do you think you are, huh?" Ainsley heard John's voice but it sounded far away. "Save us? Ah, right. Wanheda, savior of us all! But maybe you're forgetting the last time you saved us, I was saving you!" Her consciousness was on her last leg as she heard the person respond saying they weren't forgetting. "You haven't forgotten? Then please. You don't have to do this. Please, please, you don't need to do this. You know, its too bad you weren't a real nightblood because then you could be commander. Imagine how many people you could've killed then! Tell me something. After you murder Ainsley. Am I next? Is Emori? Okay, I'm begging you, I love her. Don't do this!"

I love her. Don't do this!

Her thoughts grabbed ahold of the one thing meant to comfort her and swallowed her in darkness.

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Ainsley was surprised at the fact Clarke had tried to test herself, until Abby smashed the chamber. The group had left them along with Raven behind, and Ainsley was slightly convinced that they wouldn't come back for them. Apparently Jaha had found some type of bunker that could save them, not that Ainsley believed much that came out of his mouth after the entire City of Light nonsense. Night had fallen and the others still weren't back. It was one thing to be trapped in the lab, but it was another thing to finally realize they all were going to die. Emori had been kind enough to point out that if Raven couldn't use her brain, then why would they need her?

"Miller and the others should have been back by now," Ainsley murmured, her fingers softly running through John's hair, while Emori stood staring down the railing at the lab.

"She's right, they're not coming back, John," Emori supplied gravely.

"So, we go to Polis ourselves," John stated, turning to wrap his arm around Ainsley's waist, but Emori was the bearer of bad news as she explained the boat was on the wrong side of the water, which meant they'd never make it. "Then I guess we ride out the storm in the lighthouse bunker," John sighed.

"For five years?" Ainsley questioned aghast. "We'd all starve."

"Who needs food when we have love, right?"

Ainsley couldn't stop the watery chuckle that escaped her lips. I love her. Don't do this! Kept running through her head. She looked at him, her eyes red and watery. "I love you, John." his eyes widened at the admission, pulling her in for a soft kiss. Even if the world was ending, as long as they had each other, they would be okay.

This chapter made me cry writing it so I apologize in advanced for the feels!

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