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THE silence was deafening as Ainsley and John began their trek back to the cave where they had left Emori. Ainsley was completely and utterly confused by John's lack of words, sarcastic or not. Just outside of the cave, Ainsley pulled John to a stop by placing her hand on his wrist.

“John?” Ainsley prodded. “I know you. Something’s wrong. What is it?” She needed to know, and John seemed to wage a war within himself before he pulled Ainsley against his chest in another hug.

“We're going to need our people, Ley,” John murmured against her hair. “We're going to die if we don't. I know you wouldn't forgive me if we didn't come back for Emori.”

The air felt like it was being sucked out of her chest. The realization of what Adria had died from finally hit her as she numbly held John closer to her. She didn't survive the stupid bitch in red to die now. It wasn't their time to die, was it? Ainsley wasn't ready to find out about life after death. She wasn't ready for John to find out. She let out a choked chuckle as she noded.

“I would kick your ass, love,” Ainsley teased, gently pulling away from him long enough to place a lingering kiss on his mouth. “We'll tell her together, okay?”

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TO make themselves useful to their people, they had become tour guides. Emori drove the boat across the water towards Becca’s Island. Ainsley never thought she would have ever came back there, but she had adamantly refused to let John go without her. Besides, she knew she still wasn't one of them, at camp she would have still been an outsider. The dock was completely empty of boats, but Emori informed them that without Alie, it was pointless to be there.

“Never thought I'd be back here again,” John muttered softly as they prepared to make the five mile trek to the lab.

“You shouldn't have come,” Raven said, though there was a hint of an underlying joking tone. “You're not fooling anyone, Murphy. You're still a dick.”

Ainsley shook her head, pulling John forward while simultaneously linking arms with Emori as they crossed up the beach. The grounder girl pausing at the sight of large concrete looking posts, which to Ainsley looked like some type of marker of some type. Ainsley paused, sending Emori a questioning glance just as Abby asked her what was wrong.

“Alie’s rules —” Emori said as she looked at the posts. “No Frikdreina past this line. I've never crossed it.”

“Frikdreina?” Jackson questioned, causing Emori to turn to him and state that Frikdreina meant mutants.

Ainsley turned to Emori, then, placing a hand on her arm to stop her and get her to face her. “You're not a Frikdreina, Em. You're one of us and I say screw Alie, okay? Let's take this step together, you don't have to be afraid anymore.”

John nodded in agreement, gun in hand, he turned to look at the two girls. “I never met a line I wouldn't cross,” he took the first step past the posts.

Emori looked between the two of them as everyone else crossed the line after John. A silent conflict behind her eyes before she nodded her head, placing her hand inside Ainsley's as the two made the trek across the line together. A loud whirring noise brought the group to a stop, as they looked up to see a drone watching them. Ainsley scrambled backwards as the drone shot at them, hitting one of their people in the head.

The group dispersed, running as fast as they could through the brush. Raven was falling behind, John and Ainsley immediately rushing to her side and throwing their arms under her to help her move along, while gunshots were still firing in the air.

The shots at the ground wound up causing the group to split up, Ainsley, John, Raven and Emori got down behind a fallen tree. All three panting as they looked at each other. Ainsley went to answer John's question on if they were okay, but gunshots rang out against Abby's scream for Nyko, the grounder healer having shielded Luna with his body. Luna’s cried filled the woods as Miller shot the drone out of the sky.

“Well, that took you ten shots,” John called out to Miller. “Alies got dozens of drones, who do you think is gonna run out of bullets first, huh?”

Miller wanted to talk about why they were still in the sky, but the group's attention got brought to the fact that Luna was missing. Another drone whizzed above their heads, searching for them.

“Great, we're pinned down! How the hell are we going to get to the lab? What's the plan? You do have one dont you?” Ainsley shouted incredulously at the rest of them. The one few times she's actually willing to help them, she put her life, John's and Emori's in the hands of people who probably didn't care about them.

“Here's the deal,” Miller said, ignoring Ainsley's outburst. “If we don't find Luna, then everyone we know is going to die in a wave of fire. So, we split up.” He said, before turning towards them. “Murphy, Ashter, Emori, you're with Abby. Go west.

“Wilson, Taggart, you got East,” Miller continued. “Jackson and I will take North. And Raven..”

Raven shook her head, though Ainsley could see the pain behind the mask. “I like the beach.”

“Stay under the trees. You're safe here, okay? Rest of you do the same. We'll check in every ten!”

The drone Miller had knocked down was still active, which Raven pointed out to them, but they couldn't wait. Miller commanded them to move out, Ainsley complying after a moment of hesitation. Emori, Ainsley and John followed behind Abby. The grounder girl telling them they should cut their losses and restock the island bunker, but before Ainsley had a chance to respond, Abby told them they needed to keep moving.

Luna’s here, she's heading for the boat,” Raven spoke over the radio.

“Copy that, Raven,” came miller's response. “do whatever you can to stop her, we're on our way.”

A few minutes later, Miller came on the radio to say Jackson was hit. They were pinned down. Abby immediately led them towards where Jackson and Miller said they were going to be. It took them longer then they would like, but they finally could see them. Without warning, Abby raced forward to draw its fire. Ainsley taking one look at John before she raced after the woman.

“Hey!” Abby yelled. “Over here!” She waved her arms in the air, the drone stopping just in front of their faces.

“Abby, Ainsley! Run!” John screamed in panic, but it was all for nothing. Just as the drone prepared to shoot them down, it fell to the ground disabled. After Abby had a quick radio call with Raven, it turned out Ainsley had her to thank for still being alive right now.

PSYCHO - JOHN MURPHYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin