03. Chaos

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                       C H A O S

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"WE'RE GETTING WELL'S WRISTBAND OFF TONIGHT," Bellamy declares, entering her tent without even bothering to see if she's awake, or decently dressed. She turns her head to face him, giving him a look akin to annoyance. He grimaces, but continues nonetheless, "people fear you. I need someone like that on my side." 

The normal response, Ainsley supposes, would be anger at the fact that he's only looking to use her ability of instilling fear in everyone she meets; but in all honesty, Ainsley feels a sense of belonging well in her chest at his words. She hadn't been expecting it. It caught her so off guard, that all she can manage to do is stare at Bellamy for a few minutes. It's amazing, really. The feeling that maybe to a few, she'll be more than a psychopath. Not that she isn't one, but it'll still be nice to be near people who aren't afraid she'll kill them in the next two seconds.

Bellamy's hopeful expression never wavers as he waits by the tent flap. She stands up to face him properly, her eyes locking with his as she gives a little sigh. Here stands a guy who hardly even knows her, the man who protected her before he ever even had a conversation with her. If there's anyone who even remotely doesn't want the Ark to come down more than Bellamy, it's her. 

"I'll do it," Ainsley responds, nodding in tune with her words. "If you can promise he won't kill me in my sleep." The morbid joke leaves her mouth without thinking much about it. It's probably not something to joke about, but well, she doesn't really care. 

It's a little ironic, actually. She's spent the last five years in Solitary wanting nothing but the comfort of death – to finally understand what it means when you do – but ever since they crash landed on Earth, she's surprised to realize that she wants to live. Maybe part of it is that she likes how easy it is to spike fear into everyone around her, or maybe she just likes the chaos of it all. In truth, Ainsley is just a broken girl who was forced to become a monster. A psychopath. 

"Meet us in the woods. Ten minutes, Ashter." Bellamy gives her a smile of gratitude, before he leaves her to get ready. 

She gives herself two minutes, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger to keep her grounded. She can barely contain her excitement when she leaves her tent, walking quickly with a sense of purpose until she sees the back of Murphy and Mbege's heads. She arrives just in time to see Bellamy with a gun trained on Wells. The last bit of their conversation wafting to her ears.

"I have my reasons," Bellamy says. "I also have the gun. So, I ask the questions, and the question is: why aren't you helping me? Your dad banished you, Wells, yet here you are, still doing his bidding, following the rules. Aren't you tired of always doing what's expected of you? Stand up to him. Take off that wristband, and you'll be amazed at how good it feels." 

PSYCHO - JOHN MURPHYWhere stories live. Discover now