Boba Fett/Famously Yours

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Waking up next to someone wasn't something that happened often to you, especially if he was a bounty hunter.

You felt a pair of strong arms pull you closer as you felt someone lay their head on your shoulder. You pulled the covers further over you both as you leaned back into the warmth you now felt. Carefully, you turned over to meet the resting face of your lover and smiled. He subconsciously rested his head against your own, sighing softly.

Boba Fett was the sweetest man you've met but to others, he was fearless and ruthless. And it was how you two met that his silent and cold demeanor dropped.

A few weeks ago:

You looked around cautiously as you pulled your hood further over your head. 50,000 credits were on your head yet it wasn't much of a big deal. But when the price rose to 100,000 credits, it became a major issue for you. You had to make sure you weren't being followed and to cover up your tracks. To get anywhere, whether off planet or to a different city, was shady and risky but it was better than nothing.

It confused you on how in the galaxy you became a bounty all of a sudden. Maybe someone you don't remember hated you and placed those credits on your head. Maybe a distant relative knew you were alive and wanted you to come home but didn't know where you were. Whatever the reason is, you were sure that it wasn't a good thing.

You glanced behind yourself discreetly as you walked at a steady pace. Earlier, someone noticed that you were a bounty and called you out, no doubt catching the ears of a couple nearby bounty hunters. You got out of the area quickly and dived into an alleyway, the bounty hunters running past your hiding place. You let out a sigh of relief and continued to survey the surroundings. Seeing that the coast was clear, you stepped out only to bump into a metal surface. You didn't fall over but gloved hands gently grasped your wrists to keep you steady. You looked up and almost freaked out up in seeing the t-visor staring at you. If you wanted to panic, you would've but the helmet staring at you belonged to the one and only Boba Fett, the best bounty hunter in the galaxy.

"Are you alright, miss?" He asked, his voice gentle.

You were slightly confused at the concern in his tone, considering that he was, in fact, the best bounty hunter in the galaxy.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay." You say quietly. "A-Aren't you supposed to, um, turn me in or something?"


That was the moment that he decided to not turn you in and keep you safe. But before that could happen, he had to tell the client who put the bounty on your head that you were presumed dead. The client was rather disappointed but he didn't care and Boba went on his way.

The first few days of being with him was nerve racking to you, since he is a bounty hunter after all but he made sure that you were comfortable and well fed. After the first week, however, you started to open up to him and felt safe around him. That was the same time that he trusted you enough to take off his helmet around you.

And boy, is he handsome.

Most people would say it was love at first sight, and you couldn't help but agree. He was extremely caring towards you, better than any other person you've met. And he fell in love with you the moment you two met.

Boba subconsciously pulled you closer, if possible, and you smiled wider at this. You reached up and pecked his nose as he stirred, beginning to wake up. He opened his tired eyes before giving a smile as he saw your face.

"Morning, mesh'la." He mumbled, snuggling into you.

You hummed as you closed your eyes in content, leaning your head against his chest.

"Morning." You said softly. "Are you going to bounty hunt today?"

You thought about asking this to him earlier, but didn't have the courage to do so.

"Hm, not today, I'd rather stay with you." He said, somehow pulling you closer.

Your heart warmed at his response and couldn't be more happier. He seemed to have notice your sudden excitement because he chuckled softly and gently kissed your head.

"Why not today? You always go out on hunts." You say, looking into his tender brown eyes.

"I can spare a day or two without having to chase someone who's wanted." He replied. "Besides, I feel like my beautiful girlfriend isn't getting the affection she needs."

Boba cups your face and stares into your (e/c) eyes for a moment. He then starts to pepper kisses all over your face and you closed your eyes in content, placing your hands on his. He finally reaches your lips and brings you in for a sweet kiss. You kiss back as your legs become tangled with his underneath the blanket. He was the first to pull back and silently admired your features as you opened your eyes, smiling. You noticed that he's been staring at you for the longest time and grew somewhat nervous.

"What, is there something on my face?" You ask, uncertain.

"No, it's just that I've never seen someone so beautiful." He says, caressing your cheek.

You blushed at his words and averted your eyes for a brief moment before looking back at him. You saw that he was telling the truth by the faint glint in his eyes. He leaned his head against yours sighing contentedly, smiling as he did.

"Well, I didn't know that the galaxy's best bounty hunter was so affectionate." You said teasingly.

"I'm affectionate for you only." He grumbled.

"Okay, Mr. Tough Guy."

You started to laugh slightly as he gently poked your sides. You grabbed his hands to get him to stop but he didn't budge. Soon, he was tickling your sides as you tried to keep in your laughter. Your attempts of trying to get him to stop became futile and you couldn't hold it in any longer.

"B-Boba, stop!" You said between giggles.

He didn't listen to your plea and continues to tickle you. You weakly grab his hands as you continue to laugh and, with all your strength, you managed to pin his wrists as you sat on top of him. You slowly stopped laughing and steadied your breathing, sending him a smile.

"How are you so beautiful every morning?" You hear Boba mumble.

Your cheeks flushed slightly red as you heard those words, smiling wider. You let go of his wrists and he immediately pulls you down, your head laying on his chest. He gently kisses your head and continues to hold you. You then wrap your arms around his neck as you close your eyes, yawning.

"Still tired, love?" He asks, noticing your tiredness.

You couldn't respond and only nodded your head, eyes still closed. He carefully readjusts you both and you feel instantly comfortable. You tiredly cuddle closer to him and rest your head against his chest. He then pulls the blanket back over you two before wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Get some more rest, cyar'ika," he says. "I'll be here when you wake."

You slightly hummed in response and fell asleep in his arms.

It's days like these that you cherish the most with your bounty hunter boyfriend.

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