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This will still mention other clones but will revolve around the 501st since you're part of that squad.

The Republic Gunship you were on landed on the surface of Geonosis to intercept Separatist communication. Blocking their transmission was the easy part, but making sure you're not known was the hard part. Rex signalled you, Jesse, Echo and Fives to move forward to scout the area ahead. You realized that the area was too quiet for your liking.

'Something's not right.' You thought.

"All clear, sir." Jesse commed the captain as he continued walking.

"Great job, you four. Let's move out, men!" Captain Rex exclaimed.

You scanned the area one last time just to be sure and saw a gleam at a high place. You started to run towards Jesse to warn him.

"Jesse, wait!" You yelled.

He turned around only to get sniped in the shoulder. He cried out in pain as he fell to the ground and you rushed towards him as Fives called for medical help. You managed to drag him behind a boulder so he didn't take anymore hits. You took off his shoulder piece and applied pressure to the wound before Kix got here.

"Stay with me, brother." You said.

"Heh, nothing can get rid of me that easily." Jesse said cockily.

"Kix, how far are you?" Fives asked through comms.

"I'm almost there." He replied.

As if on cue, he turned a corner and headed in your direction. He slid to a stop and landed on his knees, taking off his backpack. He opened in and took out a bacta patch to apply it to Jesse's wound.

"How did this happen?" Kix asked you, tending to Jesse's wound.

"I saw a gleam at a sniping position and tried to warn him, but thankfully he didn't get shot in the head." You answered.

Captain Rex and the rest of the 501st arrived to your position and crouched behind a nearby boulder. Soon, there were blaster bolts firing in your general direction in attempt to shoot the squad.

"It's an ambush, they knew we were coming!" exclaimed Echo.

You and Hardcase locked glances and nodded your heads. You two prepared a thermal detonator and threw them over the boulders you were hiding behind. A few seconds passed when a loud boom was heard where you threw them. You stepped out and whipped out your dual DC-17's and blasted the few remaining droids. Not forgetting the sniper, you aimed your pistol at the droid and shot it down.

'So much for an ambush.' You thought as the rest came out from behind cover.

"Good work out there, soldier." Rex praised as he sat a hand on your shoulder.

"Just doing my duty, sir." You said, smiling under your helmet.

You and the rest of the squad continued forward to complete the mission.

<After the mission>

You sighed in exhaustion as you stepped off the gunship and you slipped off your helmet. The mission happened to be a success even though there were some complications. Captain Rex congratulated you all and dismissed you to the mess hall while he went to report the missions success. Kix was helping Jesse get to the medbay for further examination on his wounds.

"How 'bout we hit the bar to celebrate a job well done." Fives suggested.

"I'm in, what do ya say, (Y/n)?" Hardcase elbowed you.

Clone Trooper OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin