Fives/The Last Night

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Look at him, he's so ✨𝓯𝓪𝓫𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼✨(so r all the clones)

Plot: You suffer from depression and self harm but you tell your best friend, Fives, instead of ending it all

Angst warning, acts of self harm, mentions of abuse and attempted suicide

If you have history or are currently dealing with any of the things mentioned, I'm not trying to offend anyone in any way and if you want you can talk to me if you feel comfortable with it, I'm willing to listen to your troubles and be there for you not just as a writer, but as a friend and a sister, if you aren't comfortable, however, you don't have to tell me anything and you can skip this oneshot if you'd like

Song of Inspiration: Skillet - The Last Night


You stared at the newly cut scars lifelessly as the blood seeped from them. You slowly turned on the faucet and brought your wrists under the water, watching the blood wash away. You blinked just as the blood seemed to stop and you turned off the faucet before opening a drawer, pulling out a roll of gauze. You carefully wrapped the gauze around both of your wrists and secured them with tape that was also in the drawer. You put away the roll of gauze and closed the drawer, rubbing your eyes tiredly after doing so. You walked out of the refresher and grabbed the 501st jacket one of the boys had given you, since you treated them with such kindness. You got along with all of them but your best friend is Fives. Everyone else would say he's just a clone and looks exactly like millions of other clones. Not to you, you thought he was different because of his personality and charm. To you, he's perfect.

You slipped on the jacket and walked out of your room towards the training room. You sometimes enjoyed watching the boys train but all of your attention was on Fives. You blushed at the mere thought of him and shook your head as you walked to the training room. You waved at few passing clones on your way as you gave them a smile, hiding your pain. Turning your gaze in front of you, you saw the door of your destination and walked into the room. You saw that the 501st was training with each other and having a good time. Cutup and Hevy were sparring with each other while the others stood around them. They were slowly circling one another as waiting for the other to make the first move.

"C'mon, throw a punch, one of you!" You heard, you think Droidbait, exclaim.

You smiled as you stood from afar and watched them spar with each other. Hevy threw the first punch but Cutup quickly dodged it and delivered an uppercut in Hevy's abdomen. You flinched at the sudden contact as you saw him double over in pain, falling on one knee.

"Aw, is the fight already over? I was just getting started." Cutup said cockily.

Hevy groaned in response and stood up, wincing as he did.

'That'll leave a bruise.' You thought.

Because of that hard hit, Hevy was having a difficult time trying to land a hit on Cutup. Cutup landed a few more hits before Rex intervened.

"Alright, that's enough." He said, standing between the two.

"Holy shit, that hurts." Hevy said as Echo helped him up.

"Let's go get an ice pack for you, vod." Echo said.

"Yeah, that'll be nice."

Echo carefully guided Hevy to the door to get to the medbay.

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