The Bad Batch/Growth

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I've had this idea for a while, so here ya go and enjoy

Plot: You are a caretaker for a small group of clones and you get transferred one day but you come back as a medic after a year

"Hunter, make sure Tech doesn't run into anything or anyone, please." You said to him.

"Yes, ma'am." He said and went to Tech.

"And wait for me at my room!"

"You got it!"

You sighed and thought that he really needs to take a break from that datapad of his. You turned to your right to see Wrecker and Crosshair fighting.

"Hey, knock it off, you two." You scolded as you approached them.

"He started it!" Crosshair snarked.

"Yeah, only because you said something mean about (Y/n)!" Wrecker exclaimed.

You suddenly became startled at his statement. He looked like he was about to cry until he hugged you for comfort. You hugged back and soothed him as you turned your attention to Crosshair.

"Be nice to your brother, Crosshair." You said sternly.

"But-" He started.

"No buts, if you know it offends Wrecker, don't say it."

He thought for a moment before sighing and opening his mouth.

"Fine, I'll be nice." He spoke.

"That's better. Now apologize." You said more calmly.


He turned to look at him, a little less upset.

"I'm sorry for what I said, and I'll try to be nicer." Crosshair finished saying.

After saying that, Wrecker proceeded to rush over to him and give him a tight hug. Crosshair groaned at the sudden action and regrettably hugged him back. You smiled upon seeing the sight and laughed a little since you knew Crosshair absolutely hated hugs.

"Alright, you two, let's catch up to Hunter and Tech so they don't get lost. You guys hungry?" You asked.

"Yeah!" Wrecker exclaimed at the mention of food.

He let go of his brother and ran over to you, motioning to get picked up. You smiled at his childness and picked him up. You started to walk only to realize that Crosshair wasn't following you. You stopped and turned around to see him staring at you with his arms crossed. You held out a hand as you waited for him to respond.

"C'mon, I don't bite." You said sincerely.

Not looking away, he slowly walked towards you and grabbed ahold of your hand. You smiled again at this and started to walk with him closely behind. You went in the direction of your personal room to see if Hunter and Tech were there waiting like you told them to. You turned the corner and saw that the two were, in fact, waiting for you. You sighed in relief when you saw them and walked over to them with Wrecker and Crosshair.

"Hey, Miss (Y/n). I managed to keep Tech from running into anything." Hunter said as he noticed you.

"Thank you, Hunter." You said.

"You're welcome."

"Wrecker is hungry, so we're going to the mess hall."

With that, the four cadets followed you towards the mess hall.


It was now nighttime, and you were currently tucking in Wrecker. You stood up to walk away but he grabbed your hand.

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