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This guy *points at image* is my custom clone trooper. I designed him myself and I hope you love him as much as I do.

Commander Skell - 97th Battalion "Skeleton Army"
Species: Human (clone)
Gender: Male
Height: 1.85 meters (6ft1in)
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Hazel
Skin tone: Tan

Physical description: Hairstyle is the usual standard haircut and has a small scar at the end of his left eyebrow. He received an injury on his face which causes him to keep his helmet on after battle. He's been self-conscious about it ever since and doesn't really show his face around anyone.

Personality traits: Despite not being comfortable showing his face, Skell is always hanging around his brothers to fit in. He's always made sure that his battalion has taken care of themselves that day. He's kind of like Commander Cody, but with a bit more compassion towards his men.

I'm sorry if you find this information to be a little vague but it's what I thought of. I will mention other custom clones I made so if you see strange names, those are my bby clone troopers :3

Plot: You are a Jedi General for the 97th Battalion and you notice your Commander not being himself, so you check up on him

You and the 97th Battalion stepped off Republic Gunships that had returned you from your mission. One of your ARC Troopers, was a little too excited from the victory.

"Aw, yeah! Did you see the way we crushed those clankers?" Dyemind asked with excitement.

"Yes, Dye, we all saw what happened." Your other ARC Trooper, Ficus, said as he took off his helmet.

"It was awesome though, wasn't it?"

"I'm pretty sure that almost landing yourself in the medbay isn't really awesome. Well, for me it wouldn't be." Your medic, Edsel, spoke up.

"I thought it was awesome, Dye!" The shiny, Sunnie, exclaimed.

You watched as they all walked in the direction of their barracks and couldn't help but smile. You noticed that your Commander wasn't there which you thought was weird, since he was always with them. You looked around the hangar and immediately saw that he was sitting on a supply crate with his helmet on still. You grew concerned and started to approach him to see what's wrong. You sat next to your Commander and sensed that he was scared. Wanting to fix the problem, you gently placed a hand on his shoulder which gained his attention. He slightly jumped at the contact but relaxed seeing it was you, still feeling scared.

"What's on your mind, Skell?" You asked softly.

"General, I-" He started.

"Hey, what'd I tell you?"

"Oh, sorry, (Y/n)."

"Now, tell me, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing's wrong, sir. I'm perfectly fine."

"I'm pretty sure that sitting here by yourself isn't being fine."

"No, really, I'm okay. Just thinking about the recent mission, that's all."

You knew that was a lie and weren't giving up so easily.

"I sense fear in you, Skell." You said carefully.

"I mean, I am scared that we might not win this war." He said, uncertain.

This was true, but that wasn't the exact reason of why he was scared.

"No, I sense a different kind of fear." You said.

"What do you mean?" He asked, slightly worried.

"I sense fear of judgement along with rejection."

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