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This is going to be so chaotic and sorry for the late update

Prompt used: "Am I doing it right?"

Requested by sadstrarwarsfan14

I hope you enjoy :)

Rex gazed at the smaller figure sleeping in his bed. He began wondering how in the world this happened. He closed his eyes and began to remember the events that took place a few days ago.


It was a normal day for the clones in the barracks. Training, filling out reports, getting ready for the next mission were what usually happened on days like these. Captain Rex sat in his office filing a report on a recent successful mission. He was halfway through with it when a knock was heard at his door.

"Come in." He simply said.

Echo walked in and shut the door, getting ready to speak.

"Sir, someone is asking for you." He said.

"Can't you tell them I'm busy?" Rex asked, not looking up.

"She says it's urgent, sir."

Rex looked at Echo with a baffled look on his face. She? What woman could possibly want to see the Captain? He stood up and walked past Echo out of his office. Echo followed quickly and walked alongside is superior.

"Did she say why she needed me?" asked Rex.

"No, sir, I asked and she said that it was a private matter." Echo replied.

"Alright, thank you, Echo. You're dismissed."

He gave a small nod before walking back the way he came.

'Who in the hell wants to see me?' Rex thought.

He brushed it off, hoping it would be a false alarm. He turned a corner and saw a woman looking around for someone. The moment she noticed him, she immediately walked towards him with a slightly angered expression. Rex, slightly confused, opened his mouth to speak but she beat him to it.

"Is there anywhere we can talk in private?" She asked impatiently.

"Uh, yes, my office is just down the hall, follow me." He answered.

With that, he started to walk back to his office with the woman closely behind. Soon enough, they arrived at his office and he opened the door, letting her in first. He walked in and closed the door then turned to the woman.

"So, what did you need me for?" He asked.

She didn't answer but instead shoved a small bundle in him arms. She crossed her arms and looked away as Rex looked at her, startled. He then looked down at the blanket in his arms and saw a sleeping child among the fabric. He became even more startled and turned his attention back to the woman in front of him.

"Ma'am, what-" He started.

"She's yours, I took a DNA test and made sure." She interrupted.

"I don't understand-"

"I gave birth a month ago and I didn't want the child, so I did whatever I could to find you."

"I don't have the experience for this and I'm in the middle of fighting a war-"

"I don't care what you're in the middle of, I don't want the child, so you're going have to figure it out."

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