The Bad Batch/Newcomers

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This will be a modern high school AU

Plot: A group of new kids transfer to the high school you go to and you manage to become friends with them.


You woke up and turned off your very annoying alarm clock. You sat up and stretched, hearing a few satisfying cracks. You got out of your comfy bed(not willingly) and walked to your closet to pick an outfit for today. You decided on a black and white striped long sleeved with a black (favorite band) t-shirt over it. You grabbed the nearest pair of blue jeans, threw it on your bed and grabbed your lucky skeleton boots with a pair of blue on white socks.

You put on the outfit you picked out and grabbed your bag to leave for school

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You put on the outfit you picked out and grabbed your bag to leave for school. You walked downstairs to the kitchen to see your father sitting at the table reading a newspaper and your mother cooking breakfast. You put your bag on the floor next to your chair as you waited for food.

"Oh, you're up early, dear." Your mother said.

"Yeah, I thought I wouldn't be late this time." You spoke.

"That's a good change." said your father as your mom set a plate of food in front of you.

"Well, you gave me a new car for my birthday last week and I haven't used it yet."

You took a bite of your breakfast and sighed in content. You loved it when your mother made eggs and sausage in the morning.

"Now you don't have to take a ride on the slow bus, as you put it." Your mom said.

"It is slow, though most of the time there would be a lot of traffic." You said, already done with half of your food.

You quickly finished your food, grabbed your bag and headed to the front door.

"Whoa, where are you off to in such a rush?" Your mom laughed.

"I don't want to be late, that's all." You answered, grabbing your car keys.

"Are you sure it's not because of a boy?"


"Not happening, no boy is ever laying a hand on my daughter." Your father spoke up.

You walked out blushing furiously as they continued to play fight. You took deep breaths to calm yourself and you lifted up your hand. You unlocked your car, climbed inside and placed your bag in the passenger seat.

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