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Requested by 1Mando

Prompt used: "W-Why are you looking at me like that?"

Enjoy :)

You finished fixing up the last bit of damage the Havoc Marauder had sustained during landing. Being the groups mechanic was really helpful for them since they were wanted by the Empire. And you, a lonely and abandoned mechanic, decided to tag along with them. You got along with each of them pretty well except for Crosshair. You don't know what his problem is with you since he always comes up with some snarky or rude remark every time you pass by him. You were used to getting insulted while growing up, so you were able to come up with some of your own to fight back. One time, you called him a 'bitch' and he, in fact, went full bitch mode and tried to kill you. Now, when either of you are in the same room, somebody else has to be there to stop you two from killing each other. Well, mostly to stop Crosshair from killing you.

You glared at him you picked up the welder from your toolbox. Some of the outer shell of the ship had been shot and the metal was nearly falling off. You looked at the metal and pulled down the face guard of your welding mask.

"Wrecker, could you bend this piece of metal back in place, please?" You asked, since he was outside already.

"Alright." He simply said and walked over to you.

He bent the metal back into place to where it was aligned with the non bent metal.

"Thanks." You simply said and ignited the welder.

Wrecker nodded his head and left you to do your work. You carefully brought up the welder and started to melt the two pieces of metal together. You felt eyes on you and knew full well it was Crosshair but kept your attention to the task at hand. You were halfway done with your task when Echo stepped off the ship.

"Hey, (Y/n), Tech needs your help with something." He said as he looked at you.

"Alright, let me finish this first, just tell him I'm almost done." You said not looking away.

"Okay, I'll let him know."

Echo stepped back on the ship to tell Tech you were almost done. You were enjoying the quiet moment until Crosshair ruined it.

"Bitch." He simply said.

You rolled your eyes at the attempt of an insult as you continued to work.

"Jerk." You retorted.

Silence consumed the air again this time, you finished up your objective and turned off your welder. You lifted up the face guard of your welding mask and placed your welder back into your toolbox. You locked your toolbox, picked it up, and went to walk into the ship. Crosshair, being the bastard he is, smirked as he subtly stuck out a leg, causing you to trip. Tech walked off the ship just as Crosshair did what he did and you crashed into him, bringing you both to the ground.

"Oh Manda, I'm so sorry Tech, I-" you stopped talking when you saw your current position.

You were on top of Tech holding onto his shoulders as his hands were on your waist. You blushed furiously and hastily stood up, grabbing your toolbox in the process.

"I'll be in my room." You muttered as you walked onto the ship and towards your room.

You kept walking until you arrived in your room and tossed your toolbox onto your desk. You sat on your bed and covered your face as unwanted thoughts filled your mind. You were trying to get rid of them until a knock was heard on your door.

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