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Kriffing son of a bantha, we all know what you kriffing did

Plot: You and your boyfriend, Fox, get into a heated argument and it quickly escalates, causing him to realize what he's done and make up

(F/f) = favorite flower

You carefully held the side of your face as tears poured from your eyes. You didn't want to get into a fight with Fox but after what happened today, it was bound to happen.


You sat down on the couch annoyed as Fox walked into the room. He was boiling with pure anger and he stood in front of you with his arms crossed.

"What the hell was that?" He asked angrily.

"I was helping with the mission." You answered as you glared at him.

"You almost compromised the mission and nearly got us caught after your little stunt."

"Well, excuse me for wanting to see you more often."

"I told you that the mission was dangerous but nooo, you just had to sneak along away!"

"If you actually spent more time with me, I wouldn't have snuck out to see you!" You stood up, now getting angry.

"Oh, now all of a sudden this is my fault!"

"Technically, it is!"

"You knew I was busy at those times!"

"You say that every kriffing time! Sometimes I wonder if I'm not good enough for you!"

"Maybe you should, because I sometimes wonder how I started dating you at all!"

You widened your eyes at this, shocked he'd say something like that. It broke your heart a little but you didn't let it show.

"Why do you even care I went on that mission anyways? You don't have control over me whatsoever, Commander!" You yelled.

He became silent when you called him that. You never call him Commander unless you're really upset, which you are now.

"I'd watch your tone if I were you." Fox said sternly.

"Tch, what are you going to do? Blast me?" You said, taunting him.

"I said, watch your tone."

You grumbled under your breath. "You can't tell me what to do."

"I said, watch your tone!"

A loud smack resonated around the room. You quickly but gently touched the side of your face as tears brimmed your eyes.

He hit you.

You looked at him fearfully as you saw guilt flash in his eyes. A few tears fell and you dashed towards the door.

"(Y/n), wait!" Fox shouted, trying to stop you.

You didn't stop as you continued to run away from everyone and everything. You ran and ran until you made it to your apartment, closing the door and locking it behind you. You leaned against it and slid down the door, holding your stinging face.

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