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My 5th Rex oneshot, I mean, look at him, literal ✨𝓫𝓪𝓫𝓮✨

Plot: You travel to Kamino because you heard rumors of merfolk and wanted to see if they were true

(F/c) = Favorite color
(S/f/c) = Second favorite color

All mando'a will be translated at the bottom

Travelling the galaxy was your daily life. Each week, you would travel to a new planet and stay to see of you would like it. This week, you were travelling to Kamino because you heard rumors about merfolk living in the planets oceans. After gathering the last of your things, you closed the hatch to your ship and walked to the cockpit. You sat in the pilots seat and started to get the ship ready. You pressed the necessary buttons and switches before the engines roared to life. The ship started to rise and the supporting legs raised. Then you flew the ship out of the landing bay and towards the sky above. Right after you left the planet, you pressed a button and went into hyperspace. You set your destination as you turned on autopilot and leaned in your chair.

'Kamino, mostly water and full of aquatic wildlife.' You thought as you observed the data for said planet.

You learned everything you needed to know about the planet. You tried to find information about the merfolk but to no avail. You were starting to think that the rumors were false but then again, you haven't seen one for yourself. The dashboard made a beeping noise signalling that you were about to exit hyperspace. You sat up in your chair and turned off autopilot before you left hyperspace. The stars were more clearer and the water-filled planet you were just learning about was right there in front of you. A smile made its way onto your face as you steered your ship closer to Kamino. After you entered the atmosphere and a bit of flying, you managed to find a small portion of land upon the open ocean. You landed the ship and turned off the engine as you stood up to go outside. The ramp lowered and you stepped outside as wind blew right past you.

'For the planet being mostly water, it's quite beautiful.' You thought.

After a few minutes, you turned back around and onto your ship to set up a camp for the night. Grabbing the right things, you walked off your ship and began to set up your temporary home. After doing just that, you heard what sounded like something splashing. You looked to your left and saw that someone was struggling with something.

'Weird, could've sworn I didn't see anyone.' You thought.

You stood up and cautiously walked over to them. As you got closer, you saw that they were trapped in a net that was purposefully placed. You picked up your pace and opened your mouth to speak.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you need any... Woah." You stopped talking as you saw the person fully.

You saw that it was a merman that was trapped in the net. His white and blue shimmering tail had caught your eye but you shook your head as you walked over to him. You took out a knife to cut the net and his eyes grew wide.

"No, please, don't hurt me!" He nearly shouted.

"Woah, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." You calmly said.

You grabbed ahold of the net and began to cut at the ropes. Soon, you finished cutting the net and pulled it off him, freeing him.

"See? I won't hurt you." You said with a soft tone and put the knife away.

"Thank you." He simply said as he slowly drifted away from the land.

As if becoming startled, he quickly went underwater before you could say anything. You let out a disappointed sigh and walked back to your makeshift camp. Seeing that the sun was setting, you quickly made a fire and grabbed your datapad to report your findings.

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