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Prompt Used: "Aw look at them- so young and willing to get themselves killed."

Requested by sadstrarwarsfan14

Sorry this took longer than expected. I hope you enjoy! (^o^)/
All mando'a phrases will be translated at the bottom

You fully supported the Republic in the war effort and you wanted to help them win said war. The moment you turned eighteen, you want to join the Clone Army even if you weren't a clone. You personally requested the Jedi Council to recruit you because you thought that you might be able to help. After a few days, the Council finally agreed and let you help with their war efforts. On the way to the Clone Barracks, a Jedi you would be serving under, General Skywalker, had told you that the troopers were informed of your addition. You gave him a small nod and looked away, crossing your arms. You were nervous yet willing to fight beside these troops in this war. They may not like you but you could care less because you were helping the Republic and that's all that mattered to you. You hadn't realized that the ship you were on had stopped until General Skywalker cleared his throat. You looked up and saw him gesturing you to follow him. You stood up and followed him off the ship.

"You're the first one to actually want to fight in the war." Skywalker spoke.

"Well, I can't just sit around wait for this war to end." You said. "Besides, I want you guys to win this."

"Most people do and we're trying our best to do so."

He stopped talking when you two saw the barracks in sight.

"You ready to meet your new squad?" He asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." You replied, hiding the laced nervousness.

The building got larger when you got closer and closer to it. It was bigger than you anticipated, yet you weren't surprised. The large doors were open and you could see some troops here and there. You two approached one that wore blue armor with a shoulder pauldron. You figured he was of high ranking, his posture kind of gave it away. He notices you two and he bid the trooper he was talking to farewell before giving his full attention.

"Hey, Rex. How are the soldiers?" asked General Skywalker.

"They're doing fine, sir." Rex looked at you. "Who is this?"

"You know the new recruit I told you about? Well, here she is."

As he said that, he put a hand on your shoulder and smiled.

"This is (Y/n)." He introduced. "(Y/n), this is Captain Rex."

"Hello, Captain." You greeted with a small smile.

He studied your features a bit before speaking.

"Aw look at them- so young and willing to get themselves killed."

Your smile fell and you squinted your eyes, not believing what he just said.

"What did you just-" You started.

"Alright, be nice. I expect you two to get along since you'll be working together." Skywalker interrupted.

"With all due respect, sir, she doesn't have proper training to actually fight in the war." Rex protested.

"Then train her. I'll be coming back in a few days to see how she's doing."

The General turned away and walked back to the ship that flew you here. The ship took off and you turned your attention back to the man on front of you.

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