22 ~ Thanksgiving

Start from the beginning

"I know. Thank you." I accept her advice. I watched my sisters suffer in the spotlight and a part of me still wonders if I can handle it. But, if I surround myself with people that care about me, I think it will be better. I have my sisters to come to for advice and Clay and Y/N to keep me sane. I don't even know if I will get big though. Even if I do all of this schooling people still might underestimate me and label me before I can even show them who I am.

I shake away the thoughts about my future and try to live in this moment. I don't want my anxiety ruining this amazing day.

Eventually, Clay can play jingle bells perfectly and plays the melody while Y/N accompanies him with some more complex chords as we set the table.

They both get up to help with plates and carrying food platters over then we all take our seats. The twins take each head while I sit next to Y/N and Clay sits across from me. Conversation easily flows when the twins ask Clay about what he's up to in LA. It shifts to Y/N and I when they ask about grades and classes and then they tell us about how their company is doing.

The whole dinner is so pleasant and I can tell Y/N is really enjoying herself. I'm glad that she's finally had a thanksgiving that isn't stressful and I'm so happy I could give it to her. We end up drinking some wine so we stay another night with the twins. Clay is staying for a few more days for different hair and make up workshops so he's going to be busy.

When we get our stuff together the next morning to head back to campus, I can tell Y/N is a little sad about it. She really bonded with my sisters and with Clay. I'm ready to get back to our world though. We give everyone hugs and Y/N has the biggest smile on her face at all the love going around.

When we exit the building, I slip my hand into hers and we share a smile. In the next few weeks classes are coming to an end and then it's time for final exams. Thankfully I know I have a great study partner.

The weeks seem to fly by and I hate it. Time just keeps moving closer to when I have to leave and I can tell Y/N feels it too. We spend all our free time together getting ready for finals, sharing sweet kisses, playing music, and just spending time together. We don't always have to be doing something special to have a nice time together and I love it.

I like doing nothing with her more than anyone else. "Hey Y/N?" I ask, breaking our comfortable silence as we cuddle in bed on Saturday morning.

"Yes, babe?" She responds, her fingers drawing shapes on my shoulder.

"There's nothing like doing nothing with you." I share softly and her movements freeze.

"I need to write that down." She gently rolls over to grab her journal to scribble something down.

"Write what down?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"What you just said, it's a great song lyric." She explains as she closes the journal to return to our cuddle. I smile when she rolls over to snuggle into me, hugging around my waist, her head on my chest.

"Oh...I inspired a song?" I clarify and she hums.

"You inspire all my songs lately." She shares sweetly and I smile to myself.

"Y/N...what are your plans for Christmas?" I ask, slightly afraid the question will make her sad.

"My siblings are coming to town to spend it with me actually. We talked about it and now that I'm out of the house, we don't ever have to go back there. So, they are going to come here. We are going to go see the tree and the light show on Saks fifth avenue. We might go ice skating too. I'm really excited." She explains and I sigh in relief.

"That sounds like so much fun, bug." I respond easily.

"Um...I thought maybe if you wanted to you could meet them?" She asks timidly and I frown. I haven't heard her shy tone in such a long time.

"I would love to. I'm spending the holidays here with my sisters. My mom might come visit too." I share.

"Not your dad?" She asks as I slide my fingers into her hair. She hums in delight at the feeling and I smile softly.

"No, he is celebrating with my half siblings and his wife." I explain.

"Oh right." She responds.

"Maybe we can plan a New Years party with everyone?" I ask.

"That would be fun. I think my siblings will only be here for a few days around Christmas though. So it would just be me attending." She explains.

"What do you mean just you? You aren't just anything Y/N, you are everything." I whisper and she shifts to look at me.

"Thank you." She whispers and leans to kiss me sweetly.

"I think the twins would love to have a little get together for New Years. I'll ask them about it." I decide when she pulls away and she nods, snuggling her face into my neck.

I let her snooze as my mind wanders. Finals, Christmas, New Years, then a few weeks before I leave to study abroad. That's like only six more weeks together.

"Your birthday is in February." She speaks out of nowhere.

"It is." I confirm.

"You turn 19 in Russia." She continues.

"I do." I confirm.

"We can't celebrate together." She points out and I frown. I didn't think about that.

"We can celebrate when I get back." I offer.

"No, we're going to celebrate before you leave." She disagrees and I hum in agreement.

"Your birthday is April 20th...which means we can't celebrate your birthday either." I point out.

"That one is later, we can celebrate when you get back." She decides without room for discussion. It makes me smile. My stubborn little Taurus.

"Do you smoke weed?" I ask and she giggles.

"What? That was so random." She giggles.

"You were born on 4/20 so it's a fair question." I defend, smiling at her amusement.

"I have before yes." She admits and I grin.

"We should get high together." I suggest.

"Oh right because the cigarettes went well." She teases and I roll my eyes.

"Okay listen it was my first time and I sucked in a little too much." I explain as she giggles. I can't help but laugh with her and hum in pleasure when her lips meet mine. I love the taste of her smile.

"They are nasty anyway." She decides in a whisper. "Wanna make out?" She asks and I giggle.

"You're a goof." I respond and smile up at her, getting lost in the happy sparkle in her eyes.

"You ask me that all the time!" She points out in slight offense.

"Okay fine, but you're still a goof." I tease and she rolls her eyes.

"Your goof?" She asks and I can't help but smile wider.

"Yeah, my goof." I confirm. She leans down and nudges her nose against mine before kissing me softly. My stomach flips at how tenderly her lips move against mine, my mind filled with the word love. It's scary and overwhelming but at the same time comforting. I know she feels the same and that's enough for me.

I want more. I want a relationship and stability. It's just not in the cards right now for us. So I'm going to hold on to what we have now for as long as I can.

We both know this isn't ideal, but we also know there isn't another option. The only option would be that I don't leave but Y/N wouldn't let me give up the opportunity and I love her for it. So all we can do is make the most of every moment we have together for the next 6 weeks.

I know I'll count down the days until I'm back and we can have an actual conversation about a relationship. I'm already excited about it and I haven't even left. Four months apart won't be too bad...I hope.

A/N Awww some wholesome content. There will be time jumps coming soon! Let me know what you think!

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now