9 - Sleepover

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Milly was a bundle of nervous energy by the time they arrived back at the club. Growing up he never had a lot of friends, his interests didn't line with any of his peers, so he was often alone. This would be the first sleepover and he was terribly nervous about it. He may not trust all the submissives yet, but he trusted Ciarren and Shiloh was very nice. He hoped that maybe he could make actual friends. As the car came to a stop Milly was shifting in his seat, whether it was from the soreness of his ass or nerves, Osiris and Killian didn't comment on it.

"We'll be here at 10 to pick you up. If you get uncomfortable sleeping in the main room with everyone else feel free to go to the playroom." The two walked him into the building. At about this time they would be making sure the building was empty of all dominants. Milly walked a few steps behind the, fiddling with the ends of his sleeves.

Ciarren met them in the main area with an excited squeal, "You look so cute!" Milly hid in the large sweater, his cheeks reddening at the compliment. "Come on! We're setting up the main room right now with blankets and pillows and games and everything." Milly didn't have the chance to respond before Ciarren was pulling him farther into the club. He just managed to send his dominants a smile before they disappeared from view. As Ciarren pulled him around the corner, multiple more people came into sight as well as a massive pile of blankets and pillows. "Go ahead and put your bag along the wall. We're gonna start with pizza and introductions and then games and then movies." Milly let the smaller man ramble on about the plans for the night as he tucked his bag in the corner.

Once the items were settled he followed Ciarren back towards the center of the room, but he was forced to a halt by a blur of white jumping onto his back. "MILLY!!!" Arms wrapped around him and he was face to face with swirling gray eyes. "I was scared you wouldn't come." Shiloh had their hair in two french braids with lilac bows at the ends to match the silk ribbon around their throat and silk tank top and shorts.

"I told you I'd be here." Milly couldn't help but smile at them.

"Tonight's gonna be so fun. Come on!" The next thing Milly knew, he was being pulled along by both Ciarren and Shiloh.

The three sat on the couch chatting about the plans for the night when Osiris and Killian stepped into the room, "Alright the club is clear. We'll be heading now. Please do not burn the kitchen down again. Ciarren you're in charge. Call us if you need anything. You all know the rules." Milly gave them both smiles before they left the building. As soon as the doors shut behind them, Ciarren locked them so no one could enter.

"Alright! Pizza is in the kitchen. Go ahead and get food and drinks and we'll all meet back here." Ciarren spoke clearly before disappearing down a hallway. It took about 20 minutes for everyone to return back to the main area, where they all took a seat in a large circle and began to eat. Milly kept his eyes nervously on his plate with Ciarren to his right and Shiloh to his left.

"Alright everyone, time for introductions. I'll go first. I'm Ciarren, but you call me Ren or Reni"

Shiloh made a fake coughing noise as he choked out "Mom." earning them a playful glare.

"As I was saying, I currently do not have a contract with anyone, but I've done a couple scenes with Matt so we'll see where that goes. I am a major exhibitionist. And Yeah." Ciarren looked to his right and encouraged the next person to introduce themselves. Milly listened intently to each introduction.

"I'm Shiloh or Shy. My pronouns are them/them. I'm gender-neutral so sometimes I'll be more feminine and other times I'll be more masculine. I have two dominants, Master Malin and Master Rhett. Oh, and I'm a Service Submissive and Slave."

Once Shiloh finished all eyes turned to Milly who instantly shied away from the attention. He kept his voice soft, just loud enough for everyone to hear. "I'm Miles or most people call me Milly. Osiris and Killian are currently my dominants and I'm a rope bunny." He looked around the group, there were about 15 submissives giving him small smiles. He offered a shy smile in response. The group continued to chatter while finishing their food. Milly kept quiet, listening to the conversations around him, only speaking when prompted.

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