13 - Bulwark

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The trio made their way up the stairs, Milly blushing red, Osiris smirking, and Killian looking as neutral as ever. Milly blushed brighter as he locked eyes with Ciarren and then Shiloh. The usually bubbly being was watching him concerned, but as soon as they had Milly's attention they opened their arms, welcoming him in for a hug. Milly instantly stepped into the hug, relaxing into his friend.

"Listen Milly. I'm assuming the guys have told you nothing, but I'm a trained bodyguard. It's actually how I met these two." Milly took note of the pained look on the faces of the men standing along the wall. "I need to know that if it comes down to it, you will listen to me. We don't know how serious this situation is. It could be minor or it could go bad very fast. If I tell you to go, I need to know that you will go." Milly scrunched his face up in a way that made the entire group want to awe.

"I'm not leaving someone else in danger just so I can escape. If you're going to be my shadow, you go where I go. If you say go in one direction, we'll go, but you're coming too. Even if I have to carry you." Milly crossed his arms and attempted to give Shiloh the sternest look he could manage.

Shiloh just looked at the twins with an amused expression, "You two found a feisty one."

The stern look on Milly's face turned to a pout, "We did, but we wouldn't have it any other way." Milly stuck his tongue out at the group. He meant every word he said, he wouldn't put himself above his new friend.

"Alright Bunny. Why don't you show these three to their bedroom?" The question was a gentle command from Osiris. Milly gave him a small smile and nod before turning to the stairs and waving for his new guests to follow. He felt bad for the entire situation, he felt like a burden, but he tried to ignore it. He didn't want to be more difficult or seem ungrateful for the help. When the reached the bedroom, he opened the door and moved to the side to let the three in.

"This was my room, but make yourselves at home. I have clean sheets and blankets in the closet along with towels and such. I just need to pack some stuff to bring downstairs." Milly had turned towards the closet and bathroom doors, but when he received no response he turned back towards the center of the room. Only to realize that Shiloh was in the process of pulling the sheets from his bed with gloved hands and placing them in a large plastic bag. Milly chewed on his lip nervously as he watched the actions. It made him nervous just standing in the room and he was anxious to leave.

"It's easy to see how nervous you are. Why don't you want to stay elsewhere?" Milly wasn't expecting Rhett's quiet voice.

Milly looked down at his feet as he wiggled his toes in the soft carpet as he tried to put his thoughts into words, " I... It doesn't matter where I go... If this person is so obsessed with me that they would break into my house then they will do so regardless of where I am located... What makes somewhere else safer than here? I don't want to put more people in danger... at least here there are no neighbors and uninvolved people who could try to get themselves in the middle of it and then who knows what could happen. I'm not surprised that Sirs won't let me stay here along, but I'm nervous about getting you three and Ciarren involved. This is my issue. I can figure it out or maybe they'll get bored of me."

"Come sit in the hallway with me while Shy goes through everything. I'm going to tell you some of the story of how Shiloh became ours." Milly followed behind Rhett and the two slid down the wall just across the doorway. They could see Shiloh move around the room, instructing Malin to help. "Malin and I are CEOs of Minor Miracle." Milly's eyes widened, everyone knew the company as they had made many leading advancements in medical research and technology, primarily for children. 

Rhett chuckled softly at Milly's expression, "Shiloh started as our PA just after our first big advancement. We were drowning in the public and work and requests and it was becoming too much. The two of us had run everything and never had an issue, but we were becoming so exhausted that it was causing fights. Finally, we decided to get a PA. Someone who could help both of us. Shiloh walked into our office in a black tux with a dress shirt under it that was made of intricate lace. They caught both of us by surprise and neither of us will deny that there was instantly an attraction. But we weren't ready to take on a sub, we wouldn't have been able to provide for Shiloh in the way we wanted to at the time. But we made sure to take care of them when we could, food, workload, naps... a lot of it was unconscious, instinctual. With Shiloh as our PA, things were getting easier. We were handling the workload and the new fame better, but then we started to receive letters. A group thought that we were using sick kids as a walkway to fame." The last sentence was spat out with anger. 

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