16 - Lacuna

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Upon arrival at the twin's house, they were met with a trembling Ciarren sitting at their doorstep. As soon as all four were out of the car, Ciarren was running at them. He looked between them, not sure who to hug first. He only knew that there was an accident involving Milly's stalker that ended with Killian in the hospital. He didn't have to think about it long as the trio surrounded him, encircling him in one massive hug.

"We're all okay. Milly figured out who the stalker is and the cops are looking for him now. They're going to call us when they find him." Ciarren took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself before looking at Killian, looking for any potential injuries. "He's a little banged up, but nothing that won't be healed by the end of the week." Osiris tightened his hold on his small best friend before releasing him. "Let's all get inside. I need to contact everyone that the club will be closed tonight."

"I already did. Everyone is concerned for you all, but everyone is okay with moving the scenes to next weekend. I can push it back more if you need."

"No. No. Next weekend is fine. I don't think I could handle waiting any longer." The heat in Killian's eyes made Milly shiver, knowing exactly what he was referencing.

The moment was interrupted by Shiloh, as they began to coax everyone towards the house. "Come on. Everyone inside." The group moved obediently through the door and into the living room.

Milly stood towards the corner with his head down. He was beginning to shut down, completely overwhelmed with the day's events and heartbroken that plans for the club were being pushed back. His mind had been racing since the moment he heard Shiloh's panicked yell and now that it's finally stopped, his mind was ceasing to function, but the adrenaline had yet to leave his body. He desperately wanted to care for his dominants, but he didn't want to smother them. He had already caused so many problems for these two, for the entire group. He couldn't help but think they all needed their space from him. So, space he would give them.

He completely zoned out as he focused on trying to relax

On the other side of the room, the two dominants were watching Milly with clear concern. Ciarren gave them a sad smile before quickly excusing himself and heading home. Shiloh moved to speak quietly to the twins. "From what I've He's going to need direction right now. He's probably terrified that he's caused problems and he's fighting every instinct to care for his dominants. I'm surprised he hasn't made a run for it yet to be honest. Just... be gentle with him. Talk to him. He might be holding it together right now, but it's a matter of time before he falls apart. I'll be in the guest room. Hollar if you need me." Shiloh disappeared down the hall.

"Milly." Osiris's voice started out soft, similar to one he would use with a scared animal. He was met with no response.

"Miles." Milly looked up instantly, glassy eyes locking onto the chest of his Alpha."Come here." Milly took slow, almost fearful, steps towards them. He knew this would be the moment they told him to leave, that he was too much.

The two moved so they were standing on either side of Milly, their chests pressing against his shoulder. "What do you need from us right now?" Milly's head tilted to the side. His brain wasn't working enough to put his thoughts into words. His focus was split between listening to his dominants and fighting his instincts to care for them. "How about this? I'm going to tell you what I think you need and you can tell me if I'm wrong. I just need you to nod if I'm correct." Milly gave him a brief nod. "You need instruction?" Milly gave a small nod. "You want to take care of us?" Milly nodded almost violently.

"Baby..." Killian brought Milly into a tight hug, Osiris hugging him from the other side.

"Can you take Killian to the bathroom and help him get cleaned up and in something comfortable? You'll just need to be careful of the cut on his head and the scrapes and bruises." Milly gave a soft whimper at the mention of the injuries. "While you do that, I'm going to get some food ready. When you're done come back down here." Milly gave a firm nod and a little smile, happy to finally be doing something to help. With a quick peck at Osiris, Milly took Killian's hand in a gentle grip before leading him to the master bedroom. Osiris watched them go with a sad smile, he hated that Milly was feeling the way he was, that Killian was hurt, and that the crazy psycho still wasn't in custody. All he could do was hope that the man would be caught soon.

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