11 - Amate

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Milly was fast asleep on the bed. The twins had tucked the blankets around him tightly before going to prepare dinner, knowing Milly would need to eat when he woke. The two worked in tandem to put together a chicken stir fry. They worked silently while just a couple of yards away their vulnerable submissive was waking.

Milly came to consciousness slowly, it started by wiggling his toes, then his fingers, before he finally lifted his arms. Only once he felt his body was sufficiently stretched did he open his eyes, an unconscious whimper leaving his lips as he realized his dominants weren't in bed with him. He sat up, careful of the soreness, and took in the room checking if the twins were anywhere in sight. Finally accepting that they weren't in the room, Milly got up to go find them. He slipped on one of the massive hoodies from the closet before shuffling out to the kitchen. He didn't make a noise as he entered the room and instantly latched onto the first person he saw, which just happened to be Ciarren who had been sitting on the counter. Milly whimpered as he rested his head on Ciarrens shoulder. Ciarren could only raise his eyebrows in confusion towards the twins as he hugged Milly tightly, rocking them slowly side to side.

"He must be in sub-drop. We did a pretty intense scene last night." Ciarren narrowed his eyes at his best friends, silently asking if they provided proper aftercare. "Of course,m we did aftercare Ren, but there was no way of telling exactly what he would need after our first major scene." Ciarren nodded, accepting the answer, before directing his attention back to Milly.

"What's wrong, Honey?" Milly whimpered quietly in response and attempted to nuzzle himself more into the much smaller man. "You wanna go cuddle while the boys finish cooking?" Ciarren squealed as Milly lifted him from the counter and carried him to the couch before flopping carefully onto the couch so Ciarren was laying on the couch and Milly was laying with his face pressed between Ciarrens ribs and the back of the couch. Ciarren let him do as he needed and played with the messy curls on top of his head. Osiris came around the couch to see the duo and couldn't help but chuckle as Ciarren was almost completely hidden by Milly. Osiris covered Milly's bottom half with a blanket before placing a kiss on his exposed nape and going back to the kitchen. "You just want cuddles, huh? It's okay that you feel this way. We'll get some food in you and I'm sure the boys are dying to cuddle you. You'll feel better soon enough." Gentle nuzzling was the only response Ciarren received as they waited comfortably for the food to be done.

The two didn't have to wait long before Killian came into the living room and took a seat on the edge of the couch and started his attempt at coaxing Milly out of his spot. "Come on Miles, come get some food." All that could be heard were a series of grumbles. "You can sit on my lap..." Milly lifted just enough to see Killian, staring at him to make sure he was serious. Killian stood and offered a hand to Milly. "Come on, Bunny." Milly sat up slowly before taking the offered hand and following Killian to the table. As soon as Killian was seated, Milly was on his lap blushing as he hoped the dominant wouldn't realize he wore nothing under the hoodie. Killian smiled fondly at the coloring and placed a light kiss to Milly's neck before holding a forkful of food out to him. Milly responded instinctively, taking the food from the fork gently. Killian continued to rotate between feeding himself and Milly.

The group ate silently, just enjoying each other's company and as it was all finally coming to end, Ciarren was the first to speak. He looked nervously at Milly. "So the reason I stopped by... I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me and maybe grab lunch? t's okay if you're not feeling up to it! I know sub-drop can be tough, especially after an intense scene." Ciarren began to talk faster as he went. "Now's a bad time. Maybe another day." He stood to leave, but before he could make it a step he was wrapped in a hug by large arms. His feet no longer touched the ground as Milly lifted him into a bear hug.

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