4 - Hope

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Milly was actually feeling anxious to go out and see the club. If the rest of the members are anything like these three, then he was almost excited to meet everyone. So he quickly sat down and began to fill out the paperwork. He made sure to note next to "Bondage" that he is a seasoned bunny. There weren't many that he had put as hard limits as he typically focused on bondage and was never with anyone long enough to push any soft limits and he had always been the type to try something. With the limits finally complete, he moved on to the rest of the paperwork before finally signing his name on all of them. When he was done he looked up to Ciarren, before moving on he needed to know how much the twins told him.

"Uhmm... How much did they tell you about why I switched clubs?" Milly couldn't keep the nervous look off his face. He was scared that if Ciarren knew how undesirable he was as a sub then he would turn everyone else against him.

Ciarren moved to sit next to Milly, "They didn't tell me your story. All they told me is that you were hurt by the community and I've made it my goal to prove to you that you will be accepted here. That I accept you. And that those twin dominants who haven't taken their eyes off you accept you." Ciarren gave Milly a large grin as he said the last sentence.

He wanted to smile back he couldn't help the doubt that was plaguing his mind, "You think they would want me with as big as I am? Wouldn't they want a small cute submissive like you?"

Ciarren gripped Milly's hand tightly and moved his head so they were face to face, "Listen, those two are my best friends, have been since elementary school. They don't care about size, they care about how much trust their submissive gives to them. They care about being able to take care of and meet their needs. If they had any thought of your size it's probably how much of a turn-on it would be having a man who could easily pin either of them. You're gorgeous Milly and any Dom who refused to be with you only because of your size weren't comfortable with their dominance. They were intimidated by you. They were strong enough for you. Those two out there will wreck your world if you let them. They live, eat, and breathe dominance." Ciarren's face tinged red as he continued, "I do need to confess something to you... We have made a habit for them to dom me a bit... just when it comes to taking care of myself and sometimes around the club. It's just because of my personality and how deep and easily I fall into the headspace. We'll stop obviously... I just don't want you to get upset or think there is something more to us than what there is... I think you would all be good for each other." Ciarren was looking down and pulling anxiously at his knuckles as he attempted to explain the dynamic between him and his best friends. He didn't want to chase Milly away, but he didn't want him to be upset either.

Milly wrapped his much larger hand around Ciarren's much smaller hand ceasing his activities and gave him a small smile, "It's okay Ciarren, I get it. Honestly. I won't be upset. Do you really think they're interested?"

Ciarren's anxious body language turned happy as he responded, "I don't think, I know and you'll see that soon enough. Now, are you ready to see the club?"

"Definitely, is there anything going on tonight that I should be aware of before going? Also, can I change real quick? I brought club clothes so that I don't stick out too much."

"I think there is one scene going on tonight, but other than that it's just a normal night. And I need to change too so we can go the sub room and get you set up with a locker." Ciarren wanted to tell them that would still stand out but in the best of ways. He could understand why other subs would desperately want Milly to be dominant, the man had all the physical aspects and is extremely attractive, but after just sitting and talking to him and seeing the way he responded to the twins there was no doubt about his headspace.

Milly nodded and followed Ciarren out of the playroom and to a black door with Submissives written on it in silver cursive. The two went in and quickly changed. Ciarren put on short leather shorts a mesh crop top while Milly put on leather pants that laced all the way up the sides and a complicated leather harness that he asked Ciarren for help tightening. He enjoyed the way the harness just barely bit into his skin and he was excited to see the marks it would leave when it came off.

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