17 - Gehenna

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Chaos ensued, the two dominants being overtaken with panic as they rush to Shiloh's room. They slam the door open, the doorknob lodging itself into the wall. The three who had previously been sleeping peacefully, touching nothing but the cool sheets and each other, were startled awake. Shiloh instantly moved into a protective stance over their lovers, managing to cover both of their torsos. The twins didn't react to the trio, giving them a moment to realize the lack of immediate threat.

They weren't able to make out any information from the panicked babbles of the twins. Shiloh did the first thing that came to mind and threw one of the pillows at the men, managing to hit Osiris square in the face forcing the man to pause. "What the fuck is going on?"

Shiloh squeaked as Rhett pinched their thigh, "Language."

"Sorry, sir" Shiloh turned their attention back to the twins, waiting for an explanation.

"Collin is working with someone. We've both tried calling Milly and it's going straight to voicemail. He went on a walk, but we have no idea where to. We don't know where he is or who the second person is. " Osiris got all the information out in one breath as he stared at the floor helplessly. "Get a group phone call going, everyone in on it. Osiris, you and Rhett get in one car and go left and just drive and look. Killian and Malin, you do the same but in the opposite direction. I'm going to make some calls. Be careful." The group dispersed.

Somewhere in the city, Milly was waking up sprawled uncomfortably in the backseat of a small car. His limbs felt heavy and the world continued to spin. He tried to speak, but his words just wouldn't form.

"It's okay, Master. You'll be ours soon enough. I'll take care of you until Collin is able to help. Speaking of which, we'll need to stop and let those assholes know that you're finally where you belong. I'm sure by now they've realized you're just not right for them. Hmm, but how should we tell them? You know, I wasn't expecting for you to come to me today, but when you walked down the alley right at me with that confident strut of yours, I just knew it was the time." As the man rambled Milly desperately tried to grasp at what he was saying, but he was only getting pieces. "Oh! We can go to the club. It'll be perfect. It might not be the original club we met at, but it'll work." Milly whimpered at the pounding in his head."Oh Master, let me give you some more medicine to help you relax. You're so stressed and tense from them forcing you to submit."

The only thing Milly's muddled brain could work out was 'medicine' and the events started to click. He had been knocked out and then drugged.

Milly whimpered at the thought of more drugs entering his body. "It's okay Master, I'm parking now. Once we get inside, I'll get you all settled. I'm so glad Ciarren closed the club for tonight. Means we get it all to ourselves."

As the car came to a stop and the man came around to get Milly out of the car. Milly tried to scream to flail, anything to draw attention, but the man put Milly's arms around his neck and heaved him towards the building. The man propped Milly against the wall as he worked on getting them into the club. Milly knew that if he tried to run he wouldn't make it far, he could barely feel his legs. He would have to keep this man distracted and waste time to get the drug to wear off.

The door opens with a squeal from Milly's captor as he rushes inside to turn off the alarm.

"How?" Milly wasn't expecting the word to actually come out.

"Small and sneaky." The grin the man gave him made Milly want to vomit.

Milly knew that he knew the man, but the world wouldn't stop spinning long enough for him to fully grasp his facial features. Everything tilted as he was tugged through the doorway, he would have fallen flat if he wasn't continued to be pulled further into the darkened club before being shoved onto the couch. Milly fell back gracelessly and the man was suddenly nose to nose with him. "How are you feeling? Do you need more medicine?" Milly shook his head causing the man to frown. "Good, you're ready to be our master then." Milly unconsciously shook his head in response causing the man to react with anger as his palm connected with Milly's cheek. The impact echoed through the empty building. "You will be our master. I'll retrain you. You just need a firm hand." Milly jumped violently as a hand forced his mouth open before dumping a fine white powder on his tongue. He tried to spit it out, to not swallow, but then the man was plugging his nose. He sat there for as long as he could holding his breath until the edges of his vision started to go dark, but he refused to leave this man with his unconscious body for a second time. He swallowed the powder quickly and the hand was finally removed allowing him to inhale desperately. "You stay here. I have a present for you in the car. " The man disappeared out the back door.

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