Date Day (Pure Fluff)

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After the dust had finally settled from the trials and the twins felt Milly would be safe enough on his own, the man all but locked himself in his workshop. He was ecstatic to lose himself in the comforting emotions he was so used to. The twins let him have it for a couple of days before they had enough, on a rare trip outside into the house the two pounced and pinned the large male against the wall of the hallway.

"H-Hi Alpha, Master..." Milly's cheeks darkened with a hint of red that Killian loved.

"We have a question for you, sweet bunny." Milly's head tilted adorably in confusion at Osiris's statement.

"Will you go on a date with me?" The confusion escalated as the twins spoke simultaneously.

"Of course." Milly tried to maintain his composure and now jump excitedly like he wanted to, "All of us together? What will we do? Are either of you worried about how the public will take it?" The questions came out quickly.

"Relax, Darling. We'll talk about the public at a later date. We were thinking that Killian could take you out in the morning for breakfast, I'll take you out for a late lunch, and then we'll come back and all have a movie night. How does that sound?" Milly's eyes watered, he was overcome with emotion. So extremely excited for not just his first dates, but for the people he would be going with.

His response came out choked, "Of course. I would love to. When?"

"How does tomorrow sound? It's a Wednesday so nothing's going on at the club." Milly grinned at the two in acceptance and kissed them both on the cheek.

He turned to Killian, "What should I wear?"

"Whatever's comfortable. We'll be walking quite a bit and it's supposed to be on the cooler side in the morning." Milly nodded unconsciously as he took the information in.

"I'm gonna go call Kiwi and Lilo!" Milly carefully pushed himself between the two dominants and rushed off to his bedroom. He didn't mind being in the room as much as he did before. The twins had surprised him with a complete makeover. A lot of the materials were the same, but everything had been moved around and they had even installed a security system throughout the house and the workshop. Milly felt safe once again. He flopped himself onto his bed and cuddled into the pile of blankets. As soon as he was comfortable he video called his two best friends.

"Smiles!" Shiloh's grinning face came on the screen.

Milly just rolled his eyes at the horrible nickname Shiloh had decided upon, "Hi Lilo."

Ciarren's face popped up onto the screen, "Mimi!"

"Hi, Kiwi." They all giggled at the horrible nicknames they had dubbed each other.

"What's up? You're looking a little redder than normal." The two grinned teasingly, knowing the twins must have done something.

Milly pouted at being called out and mumbled out unintelligible words.

"What was that? We couldn't understand you." Ciarren's voice was teasing.

Milly's face darkened, "They asked me out on dates."

Milly pressed the phone into the blankets to muffle the squeals. "Tell us more!" That was Ciarren.

Followed by Shiloh yelling, "What's the plan?!"

Milly forgot his embarrassment as he dove into the story, starting with being pinned in the hallways up to slipping away, "But I don't know what exactly we're doing. Just that I'm doing breakfast with Killian and a late lunch with Osiris and to dress comfortably. Killian mentioned we'd be doing quite a bit of walking."

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