12 - Unbosom

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It was the black dots appearing in his vision that told him he wasn't breathing, but he couldn't bring himself to inhale. He didn't know when or how he got to his knees but he could barely see someone standing in front of him, their mouth moving. They were talking to him, words not making it past the sound of his thundering heart. Milly's head tilted to the side as he tried to focus on whoever was in front of him. They were on the phone, speaking rapidly. The last thing Milly took in was the panicked man reaching for him before everything went dark.

Ciarren reached full panic mode when he saw Milly's eyes close. He just barely caught the gentle giant before he hit the ground. His phone lay on the floor, the faint sound of the twins yelling through it. "It's gonna be okay, Milly. I promise." Ciarren held him tightly, gently rocking them side to side. That's exactly how the twins found them.

Osiris knelt by the pair while Killian took a look through the room. Ciarren looked up at him with watering eyes, his mouth opened and closed in an attempt to explain what happened but nothing came out. "It's going to be okay, Ren." Osiris gave him a small smile before focusing on his submissive.

He gently ran his fingers over Milly's features, along his eyebrows, over his cheekbones, and down his jaw. "Come on, Miles. Come back to us sweetheart." He continued the light touches and quiet words and eventually was rewarded with the fluttering of long, dark eyelashes before pale green eyes came into view.

The confusion was clear in Milly's eyes, but it only lasted a second before becoming a flurry of different emotions and finally settling on panic. "I don't want to be a dominant. I swear. I really don't. I can't. I don't know who left the note. Please believe me." His breathing started becoming difficult all over again, no matter how much he inhaled it never felt like enough.

"Milly. Breathe. Copy me." Osiris placed both of Milly's hands on his chest, allowing him to feel each breath. Slowly Milly's breath slowed. "I know you're a submissive. None of us doubt that."

Milly whimpered as he looked at Osiris, begging silently for an answer, "Why can't they just leave me alone..."

The question wasn't meant to have an answer, but before Osiris could even attempt to put together words of assurance Killian was kneeling next to him. "Because they want what's ours." The words were a growl as Killian staked his claim. Milly stared wide-eyed at him. He wasn't sure if the two would still want him after his three-month retrain, even if he desperately hoped they would. "But that's not going to happen. I will make sure they all know just who you belong to." Milly instantly melted in relief. He knew that many people were not a fan of being claimed in such a way, but it was something he lived for.

A voice from behind forced him to jump, "And I think I know just how you can do it." Milly looked over his shoulder curiously. "Are you ready to spread your wings?" Red instantly overtook Milly's features. He was torn between begging him not to, but his curiosity won out. He wanted to know if they would do it. If they would put him on display for the entire club. Both dominants' faces turned into looks of curiosity causing Ciarren to smirk. "I'll show you when we go to leave. For now, what do you need to grab Milly? It's probably best to stay with the twins for a while."

"I can't... My work is here... I can't just pick it up and move it all. And I can't just not do it. Unless..." He turned to his dominants, the only two people that could even potentially make him stop doing what he loves. "Are you going to make me stop?" He could already feel the tears forming at the thought of giving up his passion.

Killian pulled him between his legs. "Miles, we would never ask that of you. However, we are concerned for your safety. So, would we be able to stay here with you? I have some friends that are going to look into this. I'm thinking it was Conner. It would make sense after the fuss he put up at the club."

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