20 - Acme

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Milly rose from the floor slowly, nervously. His two doms knew how nervous he was, but they also knew how much he needed this. Milly was safe and he was everything the two wanted and they weren't afraid to show him off to everyone. Milly stood in the center of the square the couches created. Facing his two doms, he waited for instruction. "Come on little bunny. Show us how pretty you are in your new collar." The order was clear in Osiris's voice, but so was pride. It was that pride that helped Milly to stand tall, relax his shoulders, and flex his muscles as he spun in a slow circle. Killian smirked as he saw others eyeing Milly, they could all look, but they all knew they couldn't touch. When Milly's back was to them, they finally caught sight of the little puffball standing out against Milly's laced bottom and Osiris had to hold in a grown. "Stop." His voice came out gruff as he stood and took the few steps to Milly. "What is this?"

Osiris gave the tail a tug and Milly's knees buckled for a moment before he righted himself. "Do you like it, Master?"

Osiris gave the tail another tug before pushing it in farther, "Mmhhmm"

Killian moved to the front of Milly, "I have one question for you, Miles."

"Yes, Alpha?"

"How many spankings do you think it would take to imprint this pretty lace pattern onto your ass?" As he spoke Killian lightly brushed his fingers across Milly's butt.

Milly gasped out a moan, "M-maybe 20, my skin is pretty dark."

"But I love the shade of red it turns. Can you handle all 20 for me?" Killian grabbed a handful of Milly's ass.


"Good. Now I want you to listen to me carefully. Osiris is going to sit on the couch and you are going to straddle his lap with your ass out. You'll take your twenty swots like the good boy I know you are. Then we are going to tie you up to the lovely stand you created." Milly was trembling by the time Killian finished giving his directions and Osiris was sitting back on the couch. Milly carefully moved so he was straddling Osiris, his large thighs flexing as he held his weight up. That only lasted a moment before Osiris grabbed his hips tightly and pressed him down onto his lap. Milly moved easily until Osiris had him exactly how he wanted him, perched on the edge of his knees, back arched pushing his ass out and making sure there was no friction on Milly's cock. Osiris tucked his face into Milly's neck, kissing, sucking, and nipping anywhere he could reach.

Milly was so distracted by Osiris biting down on just the right spot on his neck that he didn't notice Killian bringing his hand back until it was brought down on the right side of his ass. Milly's body jerked with the hit and released a strangled moan. The duo continued, driving Milly further and further into the submission he was trying to deny himself. By the time Killian was placing the final Milly was a puddle of trembling muscles and whispered pleas. Both dominants ignored him as Killian pulled Milly's shorts down, showing everyone in the vicinity, the bright red lace pattern showing against the lighter red color Milly's skin had taken on. Osiris was busy teasing the front of Milly with his hands and mouth, from playing with his nipples to rubbing his bound cock. "I like this addition."

"More. Please. I need more." Milly wasn't sure whether to press his butt back to thrust forward in an attempt at friction.

"Have you had a dry orgasm before Milly?" Osiris massaged the slit of Milly's cock as he waited for an answer.

Milly moaned and bucked his hips, trying desperately to send himself over that edge "N-no sir."

"I think it's time we change that." Osiris continued his light touches on Milly's most sensitive areas, while Killian took a hold of the puffball attached to the plug and with no warning began to push and pull on the plug. "All you have to do is give in, little bunny. It's okay." Milly whimpered as his muscles flexed and relaxed. Osiris continued to whisper into his ear, telling him to let go, demanding Milly's orgasm. Osiris gripped Milly's cock tightly at the base, almost too tightly, and very slowly pulled from root to tip. Just before Osiris's hand engulfed Milly's tip, he bit down hard on Milly's collarbone. He made sure to use just enough pressure that there would be small indents in Milly's flesh. Simultaneously, Killian pushed the plug as far into Milly as he could, nearly letting the little puffball slip inside. The actions shoved Milly off that cliff and into one of the most blinding orgasms he's had. His vision flashed white and his cock throbbed, desperately wanting to release, but only managing to slip a small drop past the cock ring. By the time Milly's trembles had subsided and he finally opened his eyes, he was face to face with Killian who was holding him up against what could only be the cold wood of his display.

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