chapter 10 : " truth or dare"

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" through investigating and tracking of the shoes the last place they were found was the Winterford resort by Walldon isle ".

we sat in the car  hours  on end in front of the police station.

"ok let me get this straight, you came here knowing very well that we are trying to solve a case, on top of that Nikki is your aunt .."

what game are you trying to play?".

"what ?" May asked.

"in fact what the hell are you doing here and why are you associating yourself with us?".

"whoa hold on I didn't expect that response, I mean yeah a bit of shock here and there but that I did not expect ".

May sat shocked at the back seat.

Ezra also looked shocked at my response as well .

" well what do you expect us to be happy?" Ezra looked at May displeased by her

"well no.. it's just ... i have no bad motives".

"I swear , I came here to find my aunt , I promise

I wanted to know more about my cousin... and well I came across an article about you.. and her ..".

"Maya the similarities are uncanny I just thought maybe you were her or that since you were there you would have some info?".

"I mean I heard you were close to her and well.. I thought I Could help...

get more info on her.

I do care you know."

I curled my hands into tight fists.

it was all too twisted

trusting people

it was hard ever since i was little ,
people were cruel.

And everything about this felt wrong

it all felt too calculated

I couldn't trust her

I couldn't trust

tears prickled my eyes I couldn't describe the feeling i felt at that very moment .

The best way I could describe it would be like when you're asleep and you dreaming of falling and in that spilt momment you jolt up.

Except that feeling of almost falling doesn't stop and the joliting up keeps on playing in an infinty loop.

she kept justfiying herself , but all i could hear was mute.

heat travelled all over me burinng me it felt suffocatingg.

i started slightly trembling

i had many incidents such as these when i was younger these exact moments when I would learn that someone I trusted just a little.

Would lure me to trust them and provide me comfort would only to use me to get info on that night or feel better about their lives compared to mine.

disgust or more so rage overtook every sense in my body .

People would come up with all sorts of lies ..

"i knew oliva come with me"

"if you do this it will help Olivia"


i don't care what you call it but everyone used it they used (Olivia) as my own version of kryptonite.

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