𝖄𝖚𝖐𝖎/𝕻𝖎𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖊: 𝖆𝖑𝖒𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖌𝖔𝖙 𝖆𝖜𝖆𝖞.

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Yuki Tsunoda/Pierre Gasly.

Set in 2022 season.

For over a year Yuki had been in love with Pierre from the moment he had met him. Yuki had been blown away by how beautiful the Frenchman had been, he had tried to make it obvious to the Frenchman that he is into him. but he never seemed to notice this at all. Pierre seemed to be blind to the flirting and the constant need to hug him.

For so long, Yuki had hoped that Pierre has liked him back but seemed never to be the case. It made Yuki very sad to the point that he had sworn off on showing Pierre what he really was feeling. He knows that Pierre isn't into him like that. He will just enjoy the time he has with Pierre.

So Yuki had kept his feelings all to himself since that day. Yuki grips his steering wheel tightly, waiting for the lights to turn off. he has been excited to start on the fourth place this race. This would promise to have so many good points for him. he knows it.

Once the lights are out, Yuki is away with an amazing start. He has passed Checo in the first turn and by the second, Checo tries to get his third place back from the Alpha Tauri driver. He retakes the third place by the third turn and Checo by the fourth. It goes around like this for two rounds.

Before Yuki realises, the car slips from underneath him. he crashes into the side of the red bull car on the side. They fly of the track together, crashing into barrier with full speed. His head slams against the steering wheel, knocking him out cold.

Pierre saw the entire crash happening right in front of him, immediately a red flag is being waved and all the drivers have to go back to the pit lane. Pierre doesn't waste any time, he rushes out of his car, running to the pit wall. He needs answers, he needs to know if Yuki is okay. He needs to know that Yuki is not hurt.

"is Yuki out?" Pierre asks.

"yes, but he us on his way to the hospital." His race engineer tells him.

His race engineer tells him to get back to his car as they are about to go back to racing, but his head isn't in the state to go racing right now. he wants to go see Yuki, he knows that he won't be able to concentrate on racing while he doesn't know how Yuki is doing. The only thing that he does know is that Yuki is unconscious and brought to the hospital.

Pierre sits in his car for a moment before they have to drive to the track, so they could start the race back up. A tear slips down his cheek, scared that Yuki wouldn't make it. He doesn't know what to think right now. his mind is not at racing right now. he wants to go to the hospital to see Yuki.

Once the race is on it's way again, Pierre drivers fairly nice. He gets a fourth place, Yuki's fourth place. He feels sad and doesn't feel like he deserves his fourth place because it was Yuki's starting position. He wants to do anything but be on the racing track right now.

He is quick to get out of his car, he wants nothing more then to get to the hospital. He really quick to head to his team boss, telling the man that he needs to go to hospital to head to Yuki. Needing to see the young boy for himself before he could calm down and rest. He wants to see Yuki, he wants to know how the boy is doing.

His team boss tells his driver that he will be allowed to skip the media and press for this race to go to the hospital to visit Yuki. He nods at his team boss and goes to get changed, he takes a quick shower before he gets dressed and brushes his hair quickly. He is looking in the mirror, noticing that he looks like he could start crying any minute.

He can't help but feel dread in his body, what if Yuki is already dead? He can't lose the boy he has been in love with since the ending of last season, he knew he had some sort of feelings for Yuki before he found out in the last season of the 2021 year. It was something he had never realised before that he was in love with him.

He shakes his head for a moment and heads down the garage to his race engineer, who will drive him to the hospital. He is very exhausted and wants to do nothing more then see Yuki. His race engineer doesn't talk at all, he just turns on the radio a bit softly to calm the Frenchman a bit down.

Pierre gets a text from Max, Charles and Lando, who all ask how Yuki is doing, seeming to be a bit concerned about the boy and all seeming to know that Pierre would know the answer to that question. Pierre texts them back saying that he will let them know once he is where and had the time to check the boy and know what state he is.

They arrive very quickly at the hospital, his race engineer tells him that once he wants to be picked up he should call him but until then his race engineer is going to head to the track back and analyse and do some racing work before the Frenchman would call him up.

Pierre heads inside and goes over to the receptionist, she smiles at Pierre and starts to twirl her hair and flirt with him. she doesn't listen to what Pierre is asking and keeps asking him some questions about his name and what he likes, she asks if he wants to go out but Pierre declines everything and asks her where he could find Yuki Tsunoda.

She gives in and tells him where to find him, he heads down the hallway. Almost running to get to the boy, not caring who sees him or who he bumps into. He wants to see Yuki. He needs to see Yuki.

The lifts is slow once he pressed on the third floor, the doors close too slowly for Pierre's liking. He wants to see Yuki now! he can't wait any longer. It is killing him to see him like this. It hurts him that he can't get to Yuki quicker than he can right now. he shakes his head looking on at the number changing. It turns on the three and he rushes out of the lift once the doors are open.

He practically runs down the corridor to find the 17th room, he looks on left and right to see if he sees the number. It makes him anxious for what he will see once the gets to the door. What if Yuki is badly hurt, the woman didn't give him more information than just the room number.

He shakes his head, again. he doesn't know what to feel, he doesn't know what to think. This boy is going to be the death of him. he sighs, looking down the walls. The number appears on his right and he walks in without knocking or anything, he stops in his tracks.

The noises of the television in front of Yuki's bed are loud and laughter is coming from the boy in the bed. Not having noticed that Pierre is standing in the doorway. He shakes his head, looking at the amount of bruises on Yuki, a variety of yellow, green to blue and purple.

"Pierre?" Yuki says, once he sees the Frenchman.

Pierre looks at Yuki for a moment again after having taken a look at what Yuki is watching on the television. Some weird program where people do dumb things at home. Yuki smiles once he sees that Pierre is looking at him.

"are you okay?" Pierre asks.

Despite asking if he is okay and the doctor already doing some throughout tests on Yuki, Pierre is still worried and starts to look for himself to see if he really isn't hurt. As nice as Yuki thinks this is, he knows he is fine and that Pierre shouldn't worry too much about him as he is only a bit bruised that's all.

Pierre checks his arms and legs, his head and all the other stuff he can check because he is still super worried about the younger driver. After finding nothing too wrong with Yuki apart from the bruises he has, Pierre climbs into the bed next to the younger driver.

They turn on some funny movie they can watch and they like that for a couple of hours. Yuki told Pierre that he will have to stay the night just in case there is something wrong with him that they couldn't see before. So Pierre decides to stay with the younger one. Not wanting to leave the younger one alone like that.

Pierre looks down, Yuki has his eyes closed and is leaning against the Frenchman. His heart beating faster as he is aware that Yuki is sleeping against him. he doesn't want to wake the other up so he gives Yuki a kiss on the crown of his head and rubs his hand of the younger one's arm.

"I love you, Yuki." Pierre mumbles softly to Yuki.

"I love you too, Pear." Yuki mumbles back.

Pierre feels his heart racing in his chest, a smile forming on his lips. They will have to talk about what they want to do with their relationship tomorrow, they are just too tired to do so now. besides they love each other so that is a good thing for both of them. Yuki got his love returned in the end anyway.

(A/N) if you got any requests, let me know!

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